36 A Visit from the Big Man

After a long day, Willy Morgan returned home, only to receive a phone call from Asher after just a few minutes of rest.

"Boss, that freeloader is refusing to pay for the damages. What should we do?"

"If he won’t pay, let him rot in jail!" Willy responded, his voice firm.

"Understood, boss. I’ll get Eleanor involved. She’ll contact the lawyers and handle it. Once everything is sorted, I’ll update you. Oh, and don’t worry, your SSC Tuatara has already been sent for repairs."

"Thanks for handling that."

"Boss, it’s an honor to work for you. You treat us so well. We get the best food, the best clothes, and even drive luxury cars! Anything we do for you is just part of the job."

"Well... alright then."

"I’ll go deal with the issue now. You take care, boss. Goodbye."

Hanging up the phone, Willy Morgan realized he needed a legal team. Whether for business dealings or general matt

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