40: Reactions from Various Parties

At the Lee family mansion, Jayden Lee summoned his son, Anthony. “Anthony, I want you to approach the boss of Galactic Chip, this guy named Willy Morgan. Find out his background and the situation with his company. We own several electronics firms. See if there’s a chance for cooperation.”

“Dad, do you really believe this kid can produce any revolutionary chips? Look at Sebastian Robinson—he's invested so much money without any results. What can a greenhorn like this Willy Morgan achieve?”

“I told you to do it, so you better go. Say another word and I’ll break your legs! I’ve heard that *he* personally approached this Morgan kid for cooperation. We don’t know the full details yet, but you'd better tread carefully! If you mess this up, I’ll cut off your bank account!”

“Fine, Dad. Can’t you ever treat me a little nicer?”

“Get lost!”


Meanwhile, at the Brown family estate...

“Tian, have you heard of this Galactic Chip?” asked Tian’s father.

“Yes, I’ve heard of it, but I haven’t seen th
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