47: You Shady Person! Liar!

Tian watched Willy Morgan leave the restaurant with his bodyguards and driver. Curious, he quietly followed them. Soon, he saw Willy get into an SSC Tuatara, followed by a Ferrari and two Lamborghini Veneno cars. Tian was taken aback—how could there be someone this wealthy in New York, and yet he didn’t know them?

Back at the restaurant table, Violet glared angrily at her father, Owen, and brother, Tian. Tian felt a bit guilty for the intrusion.

"Excuse me, sir, ma’am... your food is here," the waiter announced as dish after dish was brought to the table.

Owen attempted to speak. "Daughter, I—"

"Father, let’s eat first. I don’t want to argue in public. I’ve always wanted to come to this restaurant, but never had the chance. Now that I’m here, let's not ruin it. Just enjoy the meal," Violet interrupted, clearly holding back her frustrations.

Tian could sense that his sister was hiding something.

After a moment, Tian went to the front desk to ask, "Excuse me, how much was our table's bi
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