My Personal Investment of $690 Million

"The system is truly out of this world! With a photographic memory, learning new things will be a breeze! System, I'm ready to activate the Prediction button!"

Willy Morgan was even more excited about the Prediction function than the Blessing one. The reason was simple—Predictions could bring the most direct financial benefits!

"System initializing the Prediction button. Please wait... Prediction is about to refresh."

"Ding! The system predicts that on April 4, 2034, the old residential areas of Tianwen Community on Cultural Road, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Streets in the Los Angeles Education District will undergo demolition! Host, seize this opportunity!"

As soon as Willy heard the prediction, he quickly noted down the details on his phone and looked up the area on G****e Maps. He discovered that the community was a large, nearly 40-year-old area that had long been deserted.

Willy didn’t know much about real estate and land acquisitions, but he knew someone who did—his employees. He remembered that his company, Orion Universal Group, was involved in property development projects.

He checked the time; it was 3:45 PM, still within business hours. Scrolling through his recent calls, Willy quickly found Heather Collins' number and dialed.

The call was picked up within three rings.

“Hello, this is Joyce, Ms. Collins' assistant. Ms. Collins is currently in a meeting. May I ask who’s calling and what it’s regarding?”

Willy realized that Heather Collins had apparently forgotten to save his number.

“This is Willy Morgan. I need to speak with Heather Collins urgently.”

“Ah! Mr. Morgan! Of course, please hold on; I’ll get Ms. Collins right away!”

Joyce, realizing the importance of the call, sprinted from Heather Collins’ office to the conference room, despite the high heels she was wearing. In less than ten seconds, she burst into the room.

“Bang!” The door flew open, startling everyone inside, including Heather Collins, who had just announced the company's acquisition by a very wealthy new owner.

Joyce hurried to Heather Collins and whispered, “Ms. Collins, the boss is on the phone. It sounds urgent!”

Hearing that it was Willy Morgan, Heather quickly gestured for everyone to quiet down and pointed to the phone before stepping out of the conference room.

“Hello, Mr. Morgan. This is Heather Collins.”

“Hi, Heather. I have an urgent matter that I need your help with.”

“Of course, Mr. Morgan. What do you need?” Heather was curious—what could this young, seemingly inexperienced new boss need so urgently?

“Our company’s real estate business—what type of projects do we typically handle?”

“Mr. Morgan, Orion Universal Group typically acquires land and then resells it to real estate companies. While the profits aren’t as high as those of the developers, they are still substantial.”

“Here’s the situation, Heather. I’ve identified an old residential area in the education district, specifically the Tianwen Community on 3rd, 4th, and 5th Streets along Cultural Road. I want to—”

“What?! Mr. Morgan, that area is a dead zone! It’s been neglected for decades, and the government has no plans to develop it. Our company looked into it before, but after extensive research, we found that it’s in a no-man’s land. Mr. Morgan, you’re still young—I’d advise against this kind of investment.”

“Heather, don’t be so quick to dismiss my idea. If the company doesn’t want to pursue it, here’s what we’ll do: I’ll personally provide the funds, and you can have your team acquire the old houses there, with all the titles transferred to my name. If redevelopment happens in the future, I’ll give the company 10% of the profits. How does that sound?”

Heather was momentarily speechless. Her boss was offering his own money to buy property and even promised to share the profits if the venture succeeded. She’d have to be crazy not to agree.

“If that’s the case, Mr. Morgan, and you’re sure about this, then we’ll proceed as you wish. How much do you plan to invest in acquiring that old area?”

“What are the current property prices there? What did Orion Universal Group’s previous research uncover?”

“Mr. Morgan, the second-hand property prices there are around $900 per square meter. The area consists of 117 buildings, all with six floors each, housing about 6,318 units. The buildings are so old they’re practically falling apart, and most are over 100 to 200 square meters in size. They’re not worth much and have little investment potential. Developers have considered redeveloping the area, but there seems to be something underground that prevents high-rise construction. The area is nearly abandoned, with most properties listed for sale. There are no purchasing restrictions, so if you’re willing to buy, you could acquire the entire area. But Mr. Morgan, I must strongly advise against this investment—it’s a money pit!”

“I understand. Let me do some calculations.” Willy quickly ran the numbers in his head. He had $835 million from the lottery, minus $140 million spent on his new home, leaving him with $695 million. That would just about cover the cost of buying up the entire area.

“Heather, here’s what I want you to do: I’ll personally invest $690 million, which I’ll transfer to the company’s account. You and your team need to acquire every property in that area by April 1st. I mean every single one. No objections, no questions! If the funds aren’t sufficient, let me know.”

“But Mr. Morgan—”

“This is my decision!” Willy firmly stated before transferring the $690 million to the account Heather had provided.

“Heather, if this project is completed successfully, I’ll personally give a $20,000 bonus to each person who helps with the acquisition at the end of next month.”

“Alright, Mr. Morgan. If that’s your decision, we’ll do our best to make it happen.”

“I’ll visit on Monday to drop off my identification documents. Focus on getting this done in the meantime.”

After hanging up, Heather Collins was left in a daze. Her new boss seemed to have money to burn. Nearly $700 million was no small sum, yet he didn’t seem to bat an eye at spending it.

Returning to the conference room, Heather cleared her throat and announced, “The new boss has just issued a directive. He’s personally investing $690 million and wants us to purchase every property in the Tianwen Community on 3rd, 4th, and 5th Streets along Cultural Road by April 1st, with all titles registered under his name. If we succeed, everyone will receive an additional $20,000 bonus in their April paycheck.”

“What?! That area is a dead zone! What is this boss thinking?”

“Well, if he’s willing to spend his own money and we’re just doing our jobs, we might as well work hard for that $20,000 bonus!”

Heather Collins listened to the murmurs of disbelief and skepticism from her colleagues. There wasn’t much she could do to change their minds. After all, even she had doubts about Willy Morgan’s judgment.

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