Mabel Sanders woke up to the her notification sound alerting her to the entry of a new message. She woke up and noticed that she had neither taken a shower nor changed into her night wear before she had slept off, matter of fact, she was still fully dressed; clothes, shoes, jewelry and all. She hadn't even placed her phone on charge. She looked at the phone screen and had barely registered that it was well past 11pm and getting on for 12am, before her beeping red battery caught her attention and she realized her phone was at 1%. Suddenly alert, she shot up and off the bed and scrambled to the other side of her bed where her phone charger was. In her rush, she briefly forgot about the fact that she still had on her shoes which were a pair of five inches high stiletto heels and she came crashing to the ground immediately she got off the bed and to her feet. She cussed and got on her knees and began to crawl to get to her charger. She got to her phone charger and tried to connect her cha
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