Mabel Sanders and Chris Bolton walked out of the Pink Flame Jazz Bar by exactly 1:30pm and with a brief and nonchalant nod to each other, they went their separate ways. Mabel Sanders got into her car, brought the engine to life and pulled out of the parking lot and gently steered her way back into the stream of vehicles on the main road.

Chris Bolton headed to his own car where Rose was waiting for him in the driver's sit. He opened the door to the front passenger sit and got in. Whenever he stepped out for a casual social meet up with Rose and didn't take his usual escorts, he preferred to ride up front with Rose. Matter of fact, even with the other vehicle of escorts present, he still still in the preferred to ride up front with her. He only refrained from doing that in extremely formal settings and social gatherings where he knew eyes would be on him. He had barely even had to get in properly and shut the door before she spoke.

"So, how did that go?" she asked "What did our littl
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