Chris Bolton sat in his car and stared at his phone in his hand for a few seconds. What the hell had just happened??! Had Mabel Sanders just called him to go help her? Had she said her life was in danger and someone else was trying to kill her, or were his ears and brain playing tricks on him? Had the effect of reliving the bitter and sour memories Mabel Sanders had given him in the LUX hotel few months back caused him to subconsciously fantasize about her death right in front of the LUX hotel?? Was he being delusional? Had that few seconds call actually happened few seconds ago or had he imagined it? He probably had just imagined it. Mabel Sanders couldn't be in trouble. Certainly Arthur McDoyle wouldn't quite literally try to kill her, would he?? Arthur McDoyle. There was really no saying what he could and couldn't do, what he was and wasn't capable of, was there? The guy was a living, breathing, walking, talking, moving load of evil and he also seemed like one to hold on to grudges
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