Chris Bolton and Mabel Sanders had been sitted for a while and having a small conversation when Mabel reached out for her drink again with still shaky hands and accidentally knocked Chris' glass over, emptying its contents on him.

"Oh my word! I'm so sorry Chris," she almost yelled as she bolted out of her sit.

"It's fine Mabel. Relax. You've had a terrifying experience" Chris said as he got off his sit and helped her back into hers. "I'll just nip down to the restroom real quick so this doesn't leave a nasty stain. Be safe, OK?" he finished as he held her gaze. She nodded and he left.

Without wasting a second, she poured a powdered substance into what was left of his drink and shook the glass to mix it up, then she poured some of hers into his. Afterwards she quickly grabbed his phone which he had left on the table, hoping against all hopes that he was still the same Chris Bolton who never bothered with phone locks. She powered the phone and swiped at the screen and it immediately
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