Michael Bolton cleared his throat and said "Ladies, my only son is missing and I don't like it."

He turned away from the window and walked towards the table to stand at the head, but didn't take a sit. "I need solutions ladies and I'm going to start by asking who the hell was with my son today" he asked and made eye contact with them one after the other. When he got to Mrs. Yvonne, she spoke up.

"A certain Rohas Morello was his assigned guard and driver for the day because today was Ms. Rose' day off and the young master had wanted to go out." she said.

"Bring me this Rohas Morello, now." Michael said and Mrs. Yvonne nodded and excused herself. "While she gets him, do any of you have any ideas for me?" Michael Bolton asked the other ladies still sitted at the table but none of them said a word and he grunted in frustration. After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence, there was a slight rap on the door before it was pushed open and Mrs. Yvonne walked in and was followed closely b
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