Mabel Sanders and Arthur McDoyle stared daggers at each other as they each tried to stare the other down. As far as Mabel Sanders was concerned, Arthur McDoyle was being a greedy little knucklehead and he was too blinded by his greed to be able to see it, but she was quite fine and she wouldn't let him ruin all her good work so far. She knew Michael Bolton was most certainly not sitting quietly on hoping to hear from some kidnappers especially when he had enemies like Thomas Bolton and his new son Richard. No. The man was most certainly in some room with his best human haunting dogs putting together a plan to begin to sniff his heir out and she wanted to give him the easy way out as soon as possible and be done with the whole affair, but no, the walking sack of bones and meat she had made the foolishly mistake of teaming up with was insistent on demanding an excessively ridiculous amount. She looked at the man opposite her with his jaw set in a stubborn line and his eyes fixed stubbor
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