Mabel Sanders drove straight to her normal hospital, careful to watch and observe closely if she would see anything out of the ordinary, like a car that had been behind her and stayed on her route for a long time, but there was nothing out of the ordinary. As she drove she tried to come up with an excuse to give the receptionist at the hospital as to why she needed to make use of their phone. She got to the hospital and parked her vehicle at the parking lot then brought out her phone to quickly memorize Arthur's number. She was about to step out of the car when she caught sight of the bag she had packed in the morning. Would she still need it? She was sure no car had tailed her. She would just leave it behind and go about her movement as she was supposed to. She opened the door to step out then as a last minute decision she turned and grabbed the bag. She would just play it safe and go with the other plan. She walked into the hospital and walked up to the receptionist's station with he
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