Mabel Sanders quickly hung up the call and drew in a shaky breath. Michael Bolton had somehow found out everything. Shit. Shit. Shit. What on Earth was she going to do now? Should she leave the country? Go somewhere else and start afresh with a new identity? That certainly sounded better than whatever twisted punishment that sicko, Michael Bolton, would want to give her for kidnapping his son. Yes, she would probably be on the run for years but at least she would be alive, plus, she was really smart so she could definitely play this game with him. But how on Earth had she been caught so soon? Shit. Shit. Shit. How was she going to contact Arthur and inform him about the situation on ground? For all she knew, her house was already being monitored and Michael Bolton and his minions were probably watching her every move. They could also have found a way to monitor and even listen in on her calls. Shit. Shit. Shit. This was bad. What was she going to do? Should she call her father and con
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