Sitted impatiently at the bask sit of the speeding cab but also preferring to remain composed, Mabel Sanders tried her best not to betray any signs of nervousness. Something was certainly wrong. She could feel it really deep within her but she couldn't quite place her hands on what it was. Unconsciously, she took her right hand to her mouth and bit down on its thumb nail. This operation had certainly gotten complicated and there was no way it would still go as smoothly as she had planned. She should never have gone home the previous night. If she had just ignored her need for comfort then the money would probably be sitting in beautifully in her account already. There was no need crying over spilled milk now though. She would just have to keep hoping that everything was fine and would turn out fine and this nervousness she was feeling was just a result of the fact that she was late and she knew it could jeopardize the success of the whole operation she had worked hard to put together.
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