Rose stepped out of the vehicle with Sarah, then Monica and the other guards follow suit. She had previously given them instructions on how the operation would be carried out and each person quickly took their position; the other guards moved out and surrounded the premises while herself, Sarah and Monica headed in, accompanied by three guards, with one teaming up with which of the ladies. The six of them separated and steadily made their approach to the building.

Monica and her partner went around the side of the building and with stealth they steadily approached the door which they could see. When they got to the door, Monica let her partner know that on the count of three she would go in first and he would cover her and he simply nodded in response. She nodded in response and raised her hand to give the count and when she go to three, she pushed the door open and stormed and pointed her raised gun from one direction to the other as she took in the room. She progressed further in w
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