Shayla walked among her creation, appreciating what she had created. She stopped to smell the sweet, exotic flowers in the forest. The suns shined down with a soft, warm glow, bathing her flawless ashen skin in their soft light. It warmed her heart to feel the delicate silken petals between her fingers, and to smell the sweet aroma.
She gently plucked the lavender orchid, taking enough stem to thread it through her waist length, curly white hair, and tucked it behind her long and tall pointed ear. The enticing smell tingled her senses. Coupled with the warmth of the glow of the suns upon her nude body, the experience was enough to make her feel a little moist. She reached down and touched herself, slipping a long delicate finger between her folds, and fondled herself.She leaned against the smooth bark of a large tree, slid down to a spread legged sitting position. She allowed her long and thickly lashed eyelids to close, as her mouth fell slightly open, thoroughly enjoying the sensations she was giving herself.As her eyes slid closed, a man's face appeared in her mind. He wasn't like her. It was a human man's face. The humans came from a planet in another universe, in the third dimension. Thousands of years ago, she had borrowed some from that planet, with her older brother's permission, just to add some diversity to her creation.In return, her brother had created a portal, where her creations could freely visit his world, and explore. Her creations were curious, and sometimes mischievous, but they only played simple pranks at most. None of her creations were violent. The humans from her brother's world did have the capacity for violence, but usually only if threatened.They generally kept to themselves, content to hunt, gather, and farm, but they usually stuck together and built large towns and cities.She moaned softly as she fiddled with herself as she watched her favored human through her mind's eye. He was standing under a stream of water in his shower. Steam rolling off of his skin as he soaped up. His manhood was slightly swollen and half erect from cleaning himself down there, and the thought of him ravaging her made her heart flutter.Suddenly she stopped, shocking herself out of her reverie. "What am I thinking?! He's just a plaything!" She scolded herself as she rose to her feet. Then her inner voice piped up. "Is he really? You know that you want him as your champion, and you know that you'd permanently graft him between your legs if you didn't have another need of him." She sighed in resignation. She had watched him with human women. The things he did to them. Her moisture ran down the inside of her right thigh as she thought of some of those things, and her nipples were hard as rocks.She was about to mentally admonish herself again, when she heard loud grunts and thrashing through the thick underbrush nearby.She quickly faded from view, hiding herself on the breeze and watched through the shrubbery as several large green skinned humanoids trudged along, dragging some shadow elves with them."Orcs! A slave gathering party! What are they doing on MY planet?!"She watched furiously as they dragged, shoved, and whipped her favorite children, the ones created in her own image...but she couldn't interfere!"Damn you, Father! Damn you and your miserable Accord!"A hissing laughter erupted from behind her, and she spun around, coming face to face with..."Corvash! You son of a bitch!""Tsk tsk...that's no way to talk about Mother!" Corvash actually didn't give two fucks about their mother, but he loved to have sport with his baby sister.Shayla fumed and spoke through gritted teeth. "Why are you here? Why are THEY here?!" She jerked her head toward the orc party that trudged along, oblivious of the sibling deities.Corvash grinned broadly, his razor sharp teeth clearly framed between longer tusks at the corners of his mouth looked hideously frightening, and caused her to involuntarily shudder. He looked around in a surveying gaze. "It's a beautiful world you created. It was just missing a little...something..."Shayla fought the urge to slap him. "Your monsters are not welcome here, and neither are you!" She glared at him. "Remove yourself from my domain, and take your green apes with you!"Corvash laughed that ugly hissing laugh again. "No. I think they will stay here. They'll make this place more...interesting.""Please, Corvash. I haven't even chosen a champion yet, and my children aren't strong enough to fight yours." Shayla pleaded with him."Ahh, to be a fledgling God again. Lacking wisdom, and so pure, innocent..." Her crimson eyes flashed hotly."I'm not so pure and innocent." She challenged."And don't I know it?" Corvash grinned knowingly. "Who else has seen the slutty things you do while you're alone?" He licked his lips slightly. "If you weren't such a goody goody, the things we could do...all the deliciously dirty things...""You're disgusting..."Suddenly Kogar appeared. His aura of neutrality forced the siblings to back away from him and each other some distance. He moved to stand between them, his icy glare settling upon Corvash. "That's enough out of your foul mouth!"Corvash sneered at his father, but said nothing."Not that she'd ever consider a rendezvous with you in the first place, but you know it's forbidden!" Kogar pointed off into space to a small brown planet. "You have a sister right there that you can make little monsters with!"Now it was Corvash who appeared disgusted. "That Harpy?!" Corvash shifted his weight to his other foot. "I'd rather tear off my manhood, and shove it up my own backside!"A cold smile crossed Kogar's features, but it failed to reach his eyes. "That can be arranged." Kogar warned.Corvash noticeably swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing as he did so. Unlike the other gods, Kogar could use any excuse he wanted, and send any of his children to the ether without even breaking a sweat, and nobody dared raise a hand to him, because it was said that should Kogar ever pass, all of creation would cease to exist.Kogar looked to Shayla. "Your brother has rudely cut your time short. You must choose your champion soon, and prepare them." He looked to Corvash. "Build your forces, find your champion, and do as you will, but you are to only work through your champion from now on, and you may not have them engage her champion for no less than six moons."He stepped away, then added. "And don't pester your sister again, or I'll obliterate you where I find you when you do."Shayla gave Kogar a grateful smile. "Thanks, daddy."Corvash harumphed and projected himself to his own planet, then Kogar gave Shayla a warm smile and a wink before projecting himself back to the ether gate."Why does Corvash have to be such a bully?" Shayla tried to understand her brother, but she just couldn't. He enjoyed plaguing the siblings of light, and even tempted the siblings of neutrality, but he never bothered the siblings of darkness.Up until now, the others had left her well enough alone, but now that Corvash had started, Shayla was pretty much open game. She knew that, by the accord, the others weren't allowed to get involved, but she also knew that once everything started, even if her champion defeated Corvash' champion, she might get no respite from the other three.Knowing what she had to do, she made her way to the portal her other brother had created. As she peered through, she was disappointed to discover that the portal stones on the other end were in ruin. Stonehenge was unusable. That was the closest one.She panned out to find another. Again, she found the gateway near the Great Pyramid of Egypt was completely covered under millions of tons of sand.Again she searched. The gateway of Atlantis was under hundreds of leagues of ocean. The gateway at the Aztec temple was overgrown and in ruin. The gateway of Easter Island was ruined.Some idiots built a great wall over the one in China. The one in Russia was in the middle of a radiation zone. The gateway in Antarctica was under hundreds of feet of glacial ice. Same for the one in the Arctic Circle.She looked for the one in the North American continent, but all she found was a grand canyon where the gateway once stood. She wanted to scream with frustration.She only had one option now, and it would leave her in such a weakened state, that she'd be no more powerful than her shadow elves. Actually, they'd be more powerful than her, because although they weren't fighters, they were strong with magic.She would use the portal here as a focal point to bring him here, but then he would be on his own to fend for himself.She had observed the weapons and tools that the Aeryllian humans used. She noticed the architecture of their buildings. She quickly willed a small straw hut into being, filled it with useful items and clothes, then willed a beautiful falchion and longbow to match it.Satisfied that he would have basic necessities, she bagan the process of pulling him through to this dimension...Related Chapters
Chronicles of Aeryllia: Genesis Through the Looking Glass
I had been born across the pond, I was one of Clan MacLean, and I had come to visit my hereditary homeland on the Isle of Mol. After touring the mainland of Scotland, I decided to stay. I put in for a work visa, and secured a flat in Glasgow. I was working at a sheep farm just outside of town. Today was a weird day so far. It was unseasonably warm for this time of year, and although I had intended to sleep in, I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. When I awoke, I was drenched in sweat because of the humidity, so I figured to grab a quick shower. As I was cleaning myself, I had this sudden feeling that I was inside a woman. It felt so real! It was amazing, but a little unsettling, because I had that funny feeling that I was being watched again. I was about to blow when the sensation suddenly stopped. I was a bit disappointed. I finished my shower and lightly dried off. Standing in the mirror, I lathered up my face and shaved. After wiping my face clean, I gazed in the mirro
Chronicles of Aeryllia: Genesis The BIG Surprise
Shareen entered the hut, her eyes adjusting to the darkness and searching until she found her sister standing by the bed. Shayla stood there literally panting, staring down at the large man lying prone and naked on the bed. As Shareen's eyes took in the giant elf, she surveyed his body. He had short, wavy white hair, a chiseled face, tall upswept pointed ears, a straight nose, and a golden stud piercing his left eyebrow. "Mmm...very handsome indeed...and much bigger than your usual creations."She continued to survey the male. His skin was a couple of shades darker than Shayla's, and his arms were well muscled, covered in sleeves of white inked tattoos of runes that marked him as Shayla's chosen champion. Her eyes roamed over his well defined abdomen, and down to his manhood, and her eyes widened. "By the Dead Eighty-eight!" She went to reach down and caress it, when Shayla froze her with a glare. "I thought you wanted Malkym!"Shareen froze mid-reach and straightened back up. "I DO!
Chronicles of Aeryllia: Genesis An Unexpected Adventure
When I awoke, Shayla was nowhere to be found. Maybe it had all been a dream. "Shayla!" I called for her, my deep voice thundering louder than I had intended. Still, no answer. I surveyed the hut.It was a modest abode. A small bedroom area, with a large bed, a stand with a chamber pot, and a three drawered wardrobe in the other corner. The doorway to the main room was in the center of the wall that separated the two rooms.I rose to my feet and went over to the wardrobe. After rifling through the cabinets and drawers, I picked out some things to wear. A black, silver threaded brocade tunic, a pair of woven gray breeches that tied up in the front, a pair of calf high black suede boots with thick cuffs at the tops, and a black leather belt with an exquisite silver buckle.I sort of felt like I looked like a pirate after I was fully dressed, except these clothes were a lot finer. Maybe more like a pirate captain. Captain Sean! Arrr! All I needed was an eyepatch, a tricorn hat with a plum
Chronicles of Aeryllia: Genesis Onward to Stone Keep
Once all was said and done, the elves were in high spirits. I had delivered on my promise, and every one of them felt avenged. The most elderly among them was certain that the spirits of the fallen smiled down upon me. I didn't necessarily take great pleasure in what I had done. I just felt that I did what I'd had to do to right a wrong by exacting an eye for an eye styled vengeance.Most elves were kindly and gentle by nature. They only killed what they planned to eat, and often did that with great sorrow in their hearts. They weren't violent, typically didn't believe in fighting, and even, when the orcs first appeared, tried to befriend them. In turn, the orcs viewed them as a weak, and easily conquerable people. If the races of elves were going to survive, they were going to have to develop a darker nature.We gathered weapons to arm those willing and able to fight, and gathered all of the unclaimed loot into a large chest. Some of those who wouldn't be fighting volunteered to carr
Chronicles of Aeryllia: Genesis Settling In
The first point of order was to deal with all of this newfound wealth! I grabbed a couple of handfuls of doublez and slipped them into my pouch, and then a small handful of diamonds, which I put into the small gempouch that Kogar had given me in the cave while he was masquerading as Kagor. I had no clue how much things costed here, or it thet costed much at all, but I didn't want to be caught being unable to even pay for a simple loaf of bread!I had the Lord's men return the chests, as well as my chest to the Keep's vault. The Lord of the Keep had little use for stealing, and things stayed put well enough there, so I didn't see any need to make a grand show of being mistrustful of him now. "Lord V'Daak, until we can build a suitable garrison for the Paladins, I believe the best place to keep the Order's wealth, is right alongside yours. After all, it will be used to the benefit of you and our people anyway."Lord V'Daak seemed appreciative of me placing this trust in him. "It will be
Chronicles of Aeryllia: Genesis Social Reformation
When I awoke in the morning, my armor was piled neatly on one side of the desk, and some very fine clothing was piled on the other side. I didn't have to guess who had picked them out. They appeared to be brand new, and the blue of the gemmed buttons and embellishments matched her eyes exactly.I didn't foresee needing to wear any armor today, so I opted for the steelsilk garments instead. The tunic was a deep blue with silver threading and buttons. The breeches were black, tied up in the front, and had the same silver threading and buttons. The boots were between my calves and knees in height, with wide flared cuffs that turned down, made of black suede with sapphire gemmed silver buckles, with hardened leather soles.The belt was thick black leather, and tied through a wide silver buckle, inscribed with protection runes, and had a dozen sapphires encrusted around the edge. Near the pile of clothes, was a black, silver threaded dagger sheath, with a silver and sapphire encrusted tie
Chronicles of Aeryllia: Genesis The Two Prophecies
As I arrived at the entrance to the Arcane Academy, I considered folding the map up to tuck into my coin pouch. Feeling how brittle the parchment was, I decided against this course of action.The market district was just down the street, so I headed back that way. I spotted the messenger place. "Ok, slight change of plans." I ducked in through the doorway.It was a small office space consisting of a small front parlor about twelve feer wide and eight feet deep. The front area was dominated by an eight foot long counter, where an ancient gnome was perched upon a high stool. He greeted me with a bright smile. "Good midday to you! How may I assist?"I nodded in return. "I'm in need of three runners, on a perpetual basis. They will need to accompany me wherever I go, and be ready to sprint off with messages at any given time." I wasn't sure if they could provide me with such service, but hey, it never hurts to ask.He nodded grinning ear to ear. "You could have saved yourself a lot of bre
Chronicles of Aeryllia: Genesis Shaping the Future
I exited the temple, seeing my entourage, but not really seeing them. I began walking towards the eastern gate, and my entourage fell into step behind me.I glanced up at the sky as I walked through the gates. The second sun was about to set. I looked out at the clearing, but it was anything but clear now.It sounded like a battle of massive scale was under way. I could hear shouts, metal ringing against metal, hammering, shouted orders, and there were hundreds of men training. Workers were busy constructing a wooden palisade around the training grounds. Fires were burning to give more light, and hundreds of tents had been pitched in the furthest corner.Suddenly a young officer, apparently a trainer shouted, "No! No. NO! Not like THAT!" He ran over to the young recruit. "Like THIS!" He proceeded to demonstrate a maneuver, then stepped back. "Now try is again!"It was impressive to say the least. All of these recruits, and even starting to build fortifications, as well as training bei
Latest Chapter
Athena Cont'd 2
While Athena waited for those influential orcs who favored peace and unity to be located, sent for, and ordered to travel to First Camp, she had improvements made to her hut. The main room was tripled in size, taking on the characteristics of a large hall rather than just a simple hut of mud and sticks. The mud and sticks hut had been surrounded by great walls of large quarried stones, which were mortared together and placed with great care given to the shapes and sizes of the stones. In fact, harsh punishment, even death, was promised to anyone producing stones that didn't meet certain standards. Suddenly, the elven and human slaves had a use beyond just food, mundane labor, and breeding. Although it seemed like the humans in particular were the prominent quarrying experts, the elves proved to be the superior architectural influence. Orcs worked side by side with the slaves. Any who took offense were severely beaten to be an example for the others until everyone fell in line. Over t
Athena Cont'd.
[Aeryllia, About 5 years ago.]As soon as they had arrived through the portal, Corvash went to work gifting Athena with his blood.Corvash cut her hand with his blade, then cut his own, grasping her hand with his and forcing his blood into her hand. "I will not lie. The transformation will be painful and surprising." In years to come, she would remember that this was one of the few times that he actually DIDN'T lie to her.The pain was excruciating. She first whimpered as the pain began, but as her whole body became wracked with intensive pain upon pain, she screamed in agony, falling to the ground and curling into a fetal position as every fiber of her being reeled in agony. Eventually, she passes out from the torment as her body continued to change.Her skin took on a green hue, her full breasts shrank some, but became firm and perky, and she gained severe muscle mass. Her eyes changed from a bright blue to a striking color of emerald green, and small tusks grew from the corners of
Book Two: The Dark Side Chapter 1: Athena
** An Introduction and Forward by the author. **Greetings, Readers. Hopefully, you have been enjoying the story so far. For those who have stuck with me so far, thank you. I do apologize that the first 8 to 10 chapters contained so much gratuitously graphic erotica. For those who hung in there hoping to see it come to an end, your prayers have been answered.This story was never intended to be an erotic fantasy with nonstop sex scenes. For those who were looking forward to more of it, I am sorry to disappoint you, but hopefully, you will still enjoy the rest of the story for what it is. I always looked to authors like J.R.R. Tolkien, Stephen King, and Dean Koontz are inspirations, with a heavy emphasis on the works of Tolkien.There will still be instances of characters getting to points where they are going to have sex, but as I have done in the past few chapters, I will continue to discreetly fade to black, rather than giving the graphic details of what happened during the encounte
Forging the First Alliance
I told one of the guards to go and bring our young guests to the meeting hall. He arrived a few moments later with the two siblings in tow."I have some good news, and some bad news." I began.Freya spoke first, "And what would that be? Are you going to say my father died or something?" She rolled her eyes with a haughty expression."Well...I actually meant to break it to you more gently, but since you seem to think this is all a big joke..." I opened the lid on the chest with the King's and Duke's heads in it."Those are fake! This is some sick twisted prank!" Jared exclaimed.I allowed the crown to ring my finger as I twirled it in the air. "Oh, it's no prank. I wouldn't mourn them too much though, if I were you..." I nodded to Tay'La, who set the recording gem down on the table.I touched the gem, and it played back everything that happened, everything that their father had said and done, right up to me ripping his head from his shoulders. I grinned darkly as I watched them go pale,
The Battle for Bordertown
Tam shook me awake about half an hour before we needed to put our plans into motion. I approached the gathering soldiers. Some were just kids. Others were almost too old...but every single set of eyes that I looked into were eager for this engagement. The time they had to spend waiting just irked them even more. This was good. That simmering fury in their veins would serve them well, and very soon."I don't have any grand speeches for you. You all know the stakes, and failure...is NOT an option." I strolled along the front row of soldiers as I addresses them."In a few minutes, I will walk up to that door with this chest of gems, pretending to be agreeing with their demand for tribute." I turned and faced the men with a grin. "I have no intention of letting them keep this chest. When you see the blood start sprayed, you make your move."I looked at the archers in the back. "When that blood sprays, you loose arrow after arrow on their archers. Black arrows for a black night."I saw the
Onward to Bordertown
I had given instructions for preparations to begin very early. The second sun hadn't even risen yet, when the sounds of wagons being moved around, orders being called out, and hammering woke me up. We gathered in the common room of the tavern for a big breakfast, and the innkeeper had even thoughtfully given us sliced mutton, cheeses, several loaves of freshly baked waybread, and sliced vegetables to make sandwiches with later.Magistrate T'Vann had already squared away troops, scheduled patrols, and even had a work crew breaking ground for the new Citadel by the time we loaded up our wagons. I was fairly impressed with how efficient he was. Darmon and Sylva gave him hugs in farewell, and we were rolling. We passed through the north gate just as the second sun broke the horizon.As with before, we kept vigilant watch for signs of trouble along the way. We passed by several burnt out old homes along the way. A silent witness to the atrocities the elven people had been subjected to over
Onward to Ruby Lake
Regular soldiers would be arriving late tonight, or early tomorrow morning. The King had expressed gratitude for my revelation, and ensured me that the corrupted advisors were being 'dealt with'. He also liked what I was doing, to deal with the assassins guild, and saw no reason to stop annihilating them. He had granted William a full pardon for any crimes he was accused of as partial reward for his part. It was all good news that lifted my spirits greatly.There was a fortification near the edge of town. beside the burnt out baron's estate. The guards who had been stationed there were the baron's lapdogs, and died along with the baron.We spent the day cleaning up the barracks to make it ready for occupancy by the retinue of troops that would be arriving. Stone Keep had many such fortifications at each small town, as well as spread along the border, but under the ill advice of S'Jevv and L'Rall, they were mostly understaffed and in disrepair. Facts that I was already in the process o
Killing Time Is Killing Me
On Earth, most hotel rooms have doors that automatically lock when closed, and the maids knock before entering. Sometimes they will even ask you to step out of the room while they tidy it up for you. It's not unheard of. but it's rare for the maid to actually be receptive to your sexual advances. They're on a schedule, they have a job to do, and half of them aren't very attractive.On Aeryllia, there are several reasons to make sure that your inn room door is locked before going to sleep. You could wake up to find things missing, you might wake up to a slit throat, or you might wake up to a beautiful girl riding your morning wood. An unlocked door is an invitation, and the custom of an Aeryllian maid is to first try the door handle, and then knock if it's locked. After Megz left last night, I forgot to lock my door.In the past two days, I had been shot by several poisoned arrows, stabbed, cut, clawed, tackled, bruised, tossed around like a ragdoll by a couple of pissed off werebears,
I walked with William over to the supply wagon, and began to outfit him. I also provided him with one of the falcons. I instructed him with the proper commands so that he could use it both for hunting and sending messages."I understand that the Skulls have an uncanny ability to find their targets. Can you tell me how they do it?" I asked.William nodded and pulled out an amulet he wore beneath his tunic. "These amulets."I looked closely at it. "Those are ELVEN runes!""An elven mage created them." He said without understanding the significance."Hold that thought!" I turned towards the group, "Tay'La, come here!"Tay'La arrived with a look of alarm. "What? What's wrong?"I glanced at William. "Show her."William held out the amulet with a confused look. "What's the issue...?"Tay'La scrutinized the amulet as her eyes widened in shock. She yelled over to the group. "Neria! Come here!"Neria came rushing over, and Tay'La looked at the amulet Tay'La was pointing at. "By the Twelve!" Th