I had been born across the pond, I was one of Clan MacLean, and I had come to visit my hereditary homeland on the Isle of Mol. After touring the mainland of Scotland, I decided to stay. I put in for a work visa, and secured a flat in Glasgow.
I was working at a sheep farm just outside of town. Today was a weird day so far. It was unseasonably warm for this time of year, and although I had intended to sleep in, I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched.When I awoke, I was drenched in sweat because of the humidity, so I figured to grab a quick shower. As I was cleaning myself, I had this sudden feeling that I was inside a woman. It felt so real! It was amazing, but a little unsettling, because I had that funny feeling that I was being watched again. I was about to blow when the sensation suddenly stopped. I was a bit disappointed.I finished my shower and lightly dried off. Standing in the mirror, I lathered up my face and shaved. After wiping my face clean, I gazed in the mirror and debated whether I should get my hair cut. "Nah. I'm going to just lay about and enjoy my day off." I decided. As I turned away from the mirror, I thought I saw something in the mirror. It was fleeting, but it almost looked like I was looking through a window at a clearing in the woods, but it was like no forest I'd ever seen before."Bloody hell! Am I losing my mind?" There was a straw hut in the distant and a very strange looking woman. The picture became just a plain mirror again. "I better lay off the scotch..." As I turned to walk away, I heard my name being called. "Sean...come to me. Sean..."Her voice was beautiful. "Sean...come to me..." I looked around. "Was it a ghost?" Her voice was so enchanting, and sounded desperately wanton. Holy crap! Was I getting turned on by a ghost calling me? "Where are you?!" I called."Through the looking glass." The hairs stood up on my neck. "Through...the looking glass?" Then she called again. "Sean...come to the looking glass..."Did she say come to the looking glass? I felt like I should be running out of the flat, screaming in terror! "Come to me...I NEED you..."Well, my daddy always told me to never keep a lady waiting... I looked at the mirror, and searched around the area of the mirror. I knew this had to be one of Jon's pranks. He was always clowning around, but this was rather elaborate."How did he do that with the voice?" I wondered. I couldn't find any speakers around the mirror. I touched the surface of the mirror, and I suddenly had the sensation of being sucked in! In panic, I tried to pull my hand back, but I couldn't. The force pulling me through was too strong!I could feel grass beneath my arms and hands as I was being pulled through. On one side, I was standing in my bathroom. On the other side, my body was dragging across the ground. I felt a pair of small, soft hands, grabbing my wrists. Despite how tiny this person was, they had great strength and dragged me deeper into the grassy area through the mirror.Suddenly my head and upper body were pulled through, and in my panic, I felt dizzy. My vision was blurry, and I felt, more than saw myself being dragged across the grassy surface. My knees had just made contact with the ground as the hands suddenly loosened and let go of my wrists. At the same time, I felt excruciating pain from just below my knees. It was unbearable, and within seconds, I was on the verge of passing out. The last thing I heard, was that beautiful voice shouting. "What? NO! It closed? No! This can't be happening." Darkness overtook my vision with a sensation of weightlessness, and then I was aware of nothing.The portal had closed prematurely, and in the process, it quickly severed the human's legs from just below the knees. Somewhere, in a flat in Glasgow, a pair of legs, severed just below the knees, dropped to the floor of a bathroom. Police would eventually assume that some nefarious, and unusually cruel kidnapping had occurred, but they would never be able to explain the lack of blood at the gory scene. No suspects. No motives. No demands for payments.On the other side of the portal, Shayla struggled to drag the large human across the grass. He was a good two feet taller than her, and despite the loss of his legs, a good hundred and fifty pounds heavier. The blood spurting from the stumps of his legs was making a mess all over the place, and she knew that if she didn't act quickly, he would soon die. "No! Sean! No! You can't die like this. Not like this..."She got to her feet and rushed into the hut. Finding the falchion, she grabbed it by the edge of the blade and slid her palms along its edge, slicing deeply into each of her palms. She rushed back out, her own blood flowing heavily from the deep cuts in her palms.A few drops of blood fell to the ground as she made her way back to Sean, who was on the verge of death. Wildflowers instantly grew wherever her blood touched the soil. She placed her bloody hands at the stumps. She had to work quickly, as the wounds in her palms were closing fast!She willed more of her blood into his wounds, and the bleeding slowly stopped. His legs began to regrow. Bones began to lengthen and strech out of the stumps, covered in a thin membrane of ashen hued flesh, and quickly began to take shape.The ashen hue of his skin began to spread over his body as his skin adopted the color all over him. His brown hair faded to white, and his ears began to grow and stretch, becoming pointed at the tall upswept ends. The muscles in his abdominal and chest area became more defined as the body fat redistributed itself around his body.He awoke once, howling in pain, but mercifully lost consciousness again, while his body continued to change. Finally, the transformation was complete, but without realizing it, she had also imbued him with a portion of her power. The golden nimbus of light suffused into his body, and then everything was still, except for a calm breeze blowing through the area.She could hear voices. "Shadow elves! Good..." She went deeper into the forest, tracking the sounds of the conversation."Did you see that, Darmon? She changed him into one of us!" The one spoke, as they hid behind a large fallen tree's trunk."He is NOT one of US, Malkym! He's still a human. Remember that they are chaotic." The other spoke back.Malkym frowned disapprovingly. "It doesn't matter. We need to offer assistance.""I don't know about this...""Hello?!" Shayla called."Shit!" Darmon muttered.Both rose to their feet and deeply bowed. "My Lady!" Malkym said. "May we be of service?"Darmon elbowed Malkym. "Who are you to volunteer MY services to some naked wench in the woods?!"Malkym's eyes narrowed, and he was about to say something when Shayla spoke up."Some naked wench in the woods..." she said mockingly, with a hint of anger in her voice."Be glad that my powers are drained right now, or I'd turn you into a toad for a week to teach you some manners!" She glared angrily. Darmon, realizing that he might have earned her wrath, visibly shrank back.Malkym rolled his eyes and muttered, "Foppish city elves..." He noticed from the corner of his eye, that she had rewarded him with a slight turning up of the corner of her thick, full lips.She regarded Darmon coolly, the slight smile she'd given Malkym was now replaced with a stern expression for Darmon. "Do you realize who you address?"Malkym nodded fervently, but Darmon arrogantly huffed, "No, I do not. Nor do I care."Malkym was aghast, and instantly reached out to slap Darmon upside his head. "That's SHAYLA, you dolt! Beg her forgiveness, now!""Shayla! Here?" Darmon looked incredulous. "I thought she was a myth!" He turned to fully take in her appearance. "She's more beautiful than the stories..." Despite her anger with his insolence, the compliment wasn't lost on her, and her features softened somewhat.Malkym suppressed a snicker. "How many women this beautiful, could walk around naked, and not suffer a scratch, or being taken by a lesser man?" Malkym quickly knelt before her.Darmon decided to follow his friend's leas and knelt before Shayla. "Goddess, forgive this fool for his insolence! This fool is your humble servant." Shayla smiled brightly enough that it seemed like a third sun had appeared in the sky. She leaned down, kissed him on the cheek, and whispered. "You are forgiven, and just so that you truly know that I am I, I grant you a boon to your healing magic."As she touched her forehead to Darmon's, a soft golden glow appeared like a thread between them. As she slowly pulled away, the thread connecting them slowly vanished, and Darmon gasped, as he suddenly realized that he now understood a great deal more about healing.Malkym instantly felt jealous and indignant. 'I showed proper respect. Immediately recognized her, and offered assistance, and this fool gets rewarded for being rude? Well ain't that the day!' He struggled to keep his indignation in check.Sensing his thoughts and feelings, she leaned toward him, kissed his cheek, and whispered, "Faithful servant. Do not be discouraged. Your reward will be greater, but I must rest first." Now, Malkym understood, and he instantly felt ashamed of himself. "I need you two to come with me." She turned and walked back through to the clearing.The two men exchanged glances, but immediately followed. As they approached where Sean lie unconscious, their eyes grew wide."Damn, he's big!" Darmon said."He's even a giant among humans!" Malkym confirmed."He is your champion." Shayla said. "He is MY champion." She said again. Both men could hear the possessiveness in her voice. 'Lucky bastard!' They thought."Carry him into the hut and lay him upon the bed." Shayla commanded. "He's been through a lot recently."The men could only imagine. Everyone knew that the portal no longer led to anywhere. For her to have brought him here through a broken portal...The exertion to her body, and the amount of power she must have used was unfathomable. No wonder she needed their help."Well, by the Twelve! I'm going to EARN my boon!" Darmon said as he bent to lift Sean's upper body. "Get his legs, my friend." Malkym bent and grabbed the blood covered legs, and they lifted and carried him into the hut.With a practiced healer's eye, Darmon surveyed Sean's condition. "That's a lot of blood. He's not fully healed.""The slices on my hands closed before I could finish." Shayla half lied. She'd accidentally infused him with a portion of her power when trying to infuse him with healing. That power was intended to heal him, not empower him. She felt ashamed, but didn't allow her servants to see it."I can fix it. It's mostly done anyway." Darmon said, as he lay his hands on Sean. A light blue glow surrounded Sean's body. The legs finished healing, and Sean slowly sighed with relief in his sleep. Malkym returned with rags and water to clean him up.With nothing else to do, the three of them left the hut, leaving Sean to rest and recuperate. They convened outside, and Shayla thanked them for their assistance."I have more to ask of you two." Shayla confessed. The two elves peered at her with expressions of query."You must return to Stone Keep, and speak not a word of this to anyone." Malkym's brows knitted together as he tried to understand."Not that many would believe us anyway, but why the secrecy?" Darmon asked, giving voice to what both men wondered."He must earn his place among you, through his actions." Shayla said matter of factly."But you just said that he was our...YOUR champion!" Malkym said."And the people will believe it when they see him come to their aid in a time of great need." Shayla said."Milady! We already need him! Orcs carry off our people, even as we speak!" Malkym argued. "We were tracking a party of slavers, when we noticed that someone had activated the old portal, and we came to investigate.""The time of conflict is not yet. My father has mandated a six moon span for you to prepare. ""What of those already taken?" Darmon fussed."Unfortunately, lost." She sighed sadly."We can't just leave them to that fate!" Malkym shouted."You must. Do you believe that I want my children to suffer at the hands of my brother's children?" She asked, somewhat indignant.Of course the notion was ludicrous. "No. Of course not, but..." Malkym had started to say.Shayla cut him off. "Corvash has forced the conflict, but Kogar has interceded temporarily." She continued. "You have six moons to discover and learn offensive magics, and to be warriors, fighters..."A tear slid down her cheek. "I did not want this for you...but my brother is a cruel and destructive god. A jealous and vile being." She sighed softly. "And he's a bully. Of all the gods, he chooses to pick on me, the youngest of us..."The two elves now understood what was necessary. They needed to warn their people, and prepare. "We need to warn our people." Darmon said."We need to warn ALL peoples." Malkym corrected."Let the dwarves, humans, and gnomes find out for themselves!" Darmon said."The dwarves are greedy, but they're honorable. The gnomes prefer to stay in their caves and tinker, but they also deserve to know." Malkym took a breath and continued. "Even as chaotic as humans are, there are as many good, as there are evil. We don't know what forces Corvash has brought here." Darmon reluctantly nodded in agreement. "We must forge alliances.""We should be wary of the treachery of humans and half elves though." Darmon warned."What of the Champion?" Darmon asked."Leave him to me." Shayla grinned."Well, I suppose that if one must be wrapped around a woman's finger, better the finger of a Goddess, than of a lowly mortal." Malkym agreed."I'll keep that in mind, handsome!" The feminine voice came from behind and too his left as the winged beauty came forward. Malkym yelped in surprise as she grabbed his ass cheek playfully.Shayla smirked. "Now, Sister. Is that any way for a Goddess to act towards one of my servants?"The winged beauty fluttered her eyelashes and said in a mockingly innocent tone. "Little Sister. Whatever do you mean?" She gently traced a long nailed finger along Malkym's jawline."Don't be such a harpy!" Shayla scolded indignantly."Harpy?!" The winged beauty feigned insult. One of her wings twitched slightly. "I believe that you're confusing me with our other sister. Has it been so long since we saw each other?""You know what I meant..." Shayla said.Smiling coyly, the winged beauty brushed up against Malkym. Her full bare breasts pressing against his chest as she pressed her hips against his hips, practically raping him with her eyes. The color rose to Malkym's cheeks. "It's not my fault that you created such beautiful creatures. I'm rather taken with this one...""Shareen!" Shayla scolded."Alright. Alright!" Shareen backed off. "Later, Lover." She gave Malkym a wink, and was answered with an even deeper darkening of his cheeks.Darmon watched silently, half amused, and half jealous. If he wasn't mated to such a beautiful woman himself... my, oh my, the young thoughts...Sensing his thoughts, Shareen teased Darmon. "This one is quite handsome too." This caused a bit of color to his cheeks. "Too bad he's already mated..." She turned a lustful gaze back upon Malkym. 'By the Dead Eighty-eight! The things I would have him do to me!' She thought to herself."Kogar's Beard! Behave!" Shayla cursed in admonishing tone to her sister's lecherous behavior."I'm sorry, Sister! I can't help it!" She glaced wistfully at Malkym. "He's just so handsome...and I AM the Goddess of Love, after all..."Shayla furrowed her delicate brows. "Love?" She muttered to herself, "More like LUST...""I heard that!" Shareen scolded."Good!" Shayla countered."Besides, as beautiful as he is, you haven't seen what's in the hut..." Shayla proudly grinned.Shareen's eyebrows arched in surprise. "Is that so?" She noted her sister's dreamy expression, and sniffed at the air. 'Well, well. Someone has someone really hot and bothered!' She thought. 'I can't WAIT to see him!'Shareen turned towards the flustered men. "I was here long enough to get a good idea of what you two need to be doing..." She then cast a glance at the hut, then at her sister. "My sister and I have...Godly stuff...to discuss. Things not meant for the ears of servants."The men took the hint, bowed deeply to both, and quickly excused themselves. Shareen's eyes burned holes in Malkym's back as the two men slowly disappeared into the forest. Leaning over to Shayla, Shareen spoke quietly. "I really do fancy that one. More than just a toy. He has...power..."Shayla gazed thoughtfully at Shareen. "We can discuss it later...the hut..." She turned and walked into the hut. Shareen was about to protest, but then, wasn't that why she hurried her sister's servants away? She sashayed off after her sister.Related Chapters
Chronicles of Aeryllia: Genesis The BIG Surprise
Shareen entered the hut, her eyes adjusting to the darkness and searching until she found her sister standing by the bed. Shayla stood there literally panting, staring down at the large man lying prone and naked on the bed. As Shareen's eyes took in the giant elf, she surveyed his body. He had short, wavy white hair, a chiseled face, tall upswept pointed ears, a straight nose, and a golden stud piercing his left eyebrow. "Mmm...very handsome indeed...and much bigger than your usual creations."She continued to survey the male. His skin was a couple of shades darker than Shayla's, and his arms were well muscled, covered in sleeves of white inked tattoos of runes that marked him as Shayla's chosen champion. Her eyes roamed over his well defined abdomen, and down to his manhood, and her eyes widened. "By the Dead Eighty-eight!" She went to reach down and caress it, when Shayla froze her with a glare. "I thought you wanted Malkym!"Shareen froze mid-reach and straightened back up. "I DO!
Chronicles of Aeryllia: Genesis An Unexpected Adventure
When I awoke, Shayla was nowhere to be found. Maybe it had all been a dream. "Shayla!" I called for her, my deep voice thundering louder than I had intended. Still, no answer. I surveyed the hut.It was a modest abode. A small bedroom area, with a large bed, a stand with a chamber pot, and a three drawered wardrobe in the other corner. The doorway to the main room was in the center of the wall that separated the two rooms.I rose to my feet and went over to the wardrobe. After rifling through the cabinets and drawers, I picked out some things to wear. A black, silver threaded brocade tunic, a pair of woven gray breeches that tied up in the front, a pair of calf high black suede boots with thick cuffs at the tops, and a black leather belt with an exquisite silver buckle.I sort of felt like I looked like a pirate after I was fully dressed, except these clothes were a lot finer. Maybe more like a pirate captain. Captain Sean! Arrr! All I needed was an eyepatch, a tricorn hat with a plum
Chronicles of Aeryllia: Genesis Onward to Stone Keep
Once all was said and done, the elves were in high spirits. I had delivered on my promise, and every one of them felt avenged. The most elderly among them was certain that the spirits of the fallen smiled down upon me. I didn't necessarily take great pleasure in what I had done. I just felt that I did what I'd had to do to right a wrong by exacting an eye for an eye styled vengeance.Most elves were kindly and gentle by nature. They only killed what they planned to eat, and often did that with great sorrow in their hearts. They weren't violent, typically didn't believe in fighting, and even, when the orcs first appeared, tried to befriend them. In turn, the orcs viewed them as a weak, and easily conquerable people. If the races of elves were going to survive, they were going to have to develop a darker nature.We gathered weapons to arm those willing and able to fight, and gathered all of the unclaimed loot into a large chest. Some of those who wouldn't be fighting volunteered to carr
Chronicles of Aeryllia: Genesis Settling In
The first point of order was to deal with all of this newfound wealth! I grabbed a couple of handfuls of doublez and slipped them into my pouch, and then a small handful of diamonds, which I put into the small gempouch that Kogar had given me in the cave while he was masquerading as Kagor. I had no clue how much things costed here, or it thet costed much at all, but I didn't want to be caught being unable to even pay for a simple loaf of bread!I had the Lord's men return the chests, as well as my chest to the Keep's vault. The Lord of the Keep had little use for stealing, and things stayed put well enough there, so I didn't see any need to make a grand show of being mistrustful of him now. "Lord V'Daak, until we can build a suitable garrison for the Paladins, I believe the best place to keep the Order's wealth, is right alongside yours. After all, it will be used to the benefit of you and our people anyway."Lord V'Daak seemed appreciative of me placing this trust in him. "It will be
Chronicles of Aeryllia: Genesis Social Reformation
When I awoke in the morning, my armor was piled neatly on one side of the desk, and some very fine clothing was piled on the other side. I didn't have to guess who had picked them out. They appeared to be brand new, and the blue of the gemmed buttons and embellishments matched her eyes exactly.I didn't foresee needing to wear any armor today, so I opted for the steelsilk garments instead. The tunic was a deep blue with silver threading and buttons. The breeches were black, tied up in the front, and had the same silver threading and buttons. The boots were between my calves and knees in height, with wide flared cuffs that turned down, made of black suede with sapphire gemmed silver buckles, with hardened leather soles.The belt was thick black leather, and tied through a wide silver buckle, inscribed with protection runes, and had a dozen sapphires encrusted around the edge. Near the pile of clothes, was a black, silver threaded dagger sheath, with a silver and sapphire encrusted tie
Chronicles of Aeryllia: Genesis The Two Prophecies
As I arrived at the entrance to the Arcane Academy, I considered folding the map up to tuck into my coin pouch. Feeling how brittle the parchment was, I decided against this course of action.The market district was just down the street, so I headed back that way. I spotted the messenger place. "Ok, slight change of plans." I ducked in through the doorway.It was a small office space consisting of a small front parlor about twelve feer wide and eight feet deep. The front area was dominated by an eight foot long counter, where an ancient gnome was perched upon a high stool. He greeted me with a bright smile. "Good midday to you! How may I assist?"I nodded in return. "I'm in need of three runners, on a perpetual basis. They will need to accompany me wherever I go, and be ready to sprint off with messages at any given time." I wasn't sure if they could provide me with such service, but hey, it never hurts to ask.He nodded grinning ear to ear. "You could have saved yourself a lot of bre
Chronicles of Aeryllia: Genesis Shaping the Future
I exited the temple, seeing my entourage, but not really seeing them. I began walking towards the eastern gate, and my entourage fell into step behind me.I glanced up at the sky as I walked through the gates. The second sun was about to set. I looked out at the clearing, but it was anything but clear now.It sounded like a battle of massive scale was under way. I could hear shouts, metal ringing against metal, hammering, shouted orders, and there were hundreds of men training. Workers were busy constructing a wooden palisade around the training grounds. Fires were burning to give more light, and hundreds of tents had been pitched in the furthest corner.Suddenly a young officer, apparently a trainer shouted, "No! No. NO! Not like THAT!" He ran over to the young recruit. "Like THIS!" He proceeded to demonstrate a maneuver, then stepped back. "Now try is again!"It was impressive to say the least. All of these recruits, and even starting to build fortifications, as well as training bei
Chronicles of Aeryllia: Genesis Full Swing
When I awoke, I was slightly disoriented. My dreams had been troublesome, and I was having trouble separating the fiction from the reality. I thought to pull my hand up to my eyes, but I couldn't move my arm.As I blinked away the sleep, and my vision began to clear, I saw the curtain of flowing white hair and realized that Kee'ra had actually slept in my arms the entire night.She was tucked in and curled up against me in a manner where I could just tuck my chin and gaze down to see her face. I gently lifted the curtain of her hair away from her face, and I could see that she had a smile on her face as she slept.I thought of poor Sin'rae, and how she had likely cried herself to sleep, and it made my chest tighten slightly. By all rights, it should have been Sin'rae lying asleep in my arms. To be fair, and not meaning any greed, it should have been both of them.I didn't want to have to get up and go out there and see her face...the accusing glare...or have her turn things weirder th
Latest Chapter
Athena Cont'd 2
While Athena waited for those influential orcs who favored peace and unity to be located, sent for, and ordered to travel to First Camp, she had improvements made to her hut. The main room was tripled in size, taking on the characteristics of a large hall rather than just a simple hut of mud and sticks. The mud and sticks hut had been surrounded by great walls of large quarried stones, which were mortared together and placed with great care given to the shapes and sizes of the stones. In fact, harsh punishment, even death, was promised to anyone producing stones that didn't meet certain standards. Suddenly, the elven and human slaves had a use beyond just food, mundane labor, and breeding. Although it seemed like the humans in particular were the prominent quarrying experts, the elves proved to be the superior architectural influence. Orcs worked side by side with the slaves. Any who took offense were severely beaten to be an example for the others until everyone fell in line. Over t
Athena Cont'd.
[Aeryllia, About 5 years ago.]As soon as they had arrived through the portal, Corvash went to work gifting Athena with his blood.Corvash cut her hand with his blade, then cut his own, grasping her hand with his and forcing his blood into her hand. "I will not lie. The transformation will be painful and surprising." In years to come, she would remember that this was one of the few times that he actually DIDN'T lie to her.The pain was excruciating. She first whimpered as the pain began, but as her whole body became wracked with intensive pain upon pain, she screamed in agony, falling to the ground and curling into a fetal position as every fiber of her being reeled in agony. Eventually, she passes out from the torment as her body continued to change.Her skin took on a green hue, her full breasts shrank some, but became firm and perky, and she gained severe muscle mass. Her eyes changed from a bright blue to a striking color of emerald green, and small tusks grew from the corners of
Book Two: The Dark Side Chapter 1: Athena
** An Introduction and Forward by the author. **Greetings, Readers. Hopefully, you have been enjoying the story so far. For those who have stuck with me so far, thank you. I do apologize that the first 8 to 10 chapters contained so much gratuitously graphic erotica. For those who hung in there hoping to see it come to an end, your prayers have been answered.This story was never intended to be an erotic fantasy with nonstop sex scenes. For those who were looking forward to more of it, I am sorry to disappoint you, but hopefully, you will still enjoy the rest of the story for what it is. I always looked to authors like J.R.R. Tolkien, Stephen King, and Dean Koontz are inspirations, with a heavy emphasis on the works of Tolkien.There will still be instances of characters getting to points where they are going to have sex, but as I have done in the past few chapters, I will continue to discreetly fade to black, rather than giving the graphic details of what happened during the encounte
Forging the First Alliance
I told one of the guards to go and bring our young guests to the meeting hall. He arrived a few moments later with the two siblings in tow."I have some good news, and some bad news." I began.Freya spoke first, "And what would that be? Are you going to say my father died or something?" She rolled her eyes with a haughty expression."Well...I actually meant to break it to you more gently, but since you seem to think this is all a big joke..." I opened the lid on the chest with the King's and Duke's heads in it."Those are fake! This is some sick twisted prank!" Jared exclaimed.I allowed the crown to ring my finger as I twirled it in the air. "Oh, it's no prank. I wouldn't mourn them too much though, if I were you..." I nodded to Tay'La, who set the recording gem down on the table.I touched the gem, and it played back everything that happened, everything that their father had said and done, right up to me ripping his head from his shoulders. I grinned darkly as I watched them go pale,
The Battle for Bordertown
Tam shook me awake about half an hour before we needed to put our plans into motion. I approached the gathering soldiers. Some were just kids. Others were almost too old...but every single set of eyes that I looked into were eager for this engagement. The time they had to spend waiting just irked them even more. This was good. That simmering fury in their veins would serve them well, and very soon."I don't have any grand speeches for you. You all know the stakes, and failure...is NOT an option." I strolled along the front row of soldiers as I addresses them."In a few minutes, I will walk up to that door with this chest of gems, pretending to be agreeing with their demand for tribute." I turned and faced the men with a grin. "I have no intention of letting them keep this chest. When you see the blood start sprayed, you make your move."I looked at the archers in the back. "When that blood sprays, you loose arrow after arrow on their archers. Black arrows for a black night."I saw the
Onward to Bordertown
I had given instructions for preparations to begin very early. The second sun hadn't even risen yet, when the sounds of wagons being moved around, orders being called out, and hammering woke me up. We gathered in the common room of the tavern for a big breakfast, and the innkeeper had even thoughtfully given us sliced mutton, cheeses, several loaves of freshly baked waybread, and sliced vegetables to make sandwiches with later.Magistrate T'Vann had already squared away troops, scheduled patrols, and even had a work crew breaking ground for the new Citadel by the time we loaded up our wagons. I was fairly impressed with how efficient he was. Darmon and Sylva gave him hugs in farewell, and we were rolling. We passed through the north gate just as the second sun broke the horizon.As with before, we kept vigilant watch for signs of trouble along the way. We passed by several burnt out old homes along the way. A silent witness to the atrocities the elven people had been subjected to over
Onward to Ruby Lake
Regular soldiers would be arriving late tonight, or early tomorrow morning. The King had expressed gratitude for my revelation, and ensured me that the corrupted advisors were being 'dealt with'. He also liked what I was doing, to deal with the assassins guild, and saw no reason to stop annihilating them. He had granted William a full pardon for any crimes he was accused of as partial reward for his part. It was all good news that lifted my spirits greatly.There was a fortification near the edge of town. beside the burnt out baron's estate. The guards who had been stationed there were the baron's lapdogs, and died along with the baron.We spent the day cleaning up the barracks to make it ready for occupancy by the retinue of troops that would be arriving. Stone Keep had many such fortifications at each small town, as well as spread along the border, but under the ill advice of S'Jevv and L'Rall, they were mostly understaffed and in disrepair. Facts that I was already in the process o
Killing Time Is Killing Me
On Earth, most hotel rooms have doors that automatically lock when closed, and the maids knock before entering. Sometimes they will even ask you to step out of the room while they tidy it up for you. It's not unheard of. but it's rare for the maid to actually be receptive to your sexual advances. They're on a schedule, they have a job to do, and half of them aren't very attractive.On Aeryllia, there are several reasons to make sure that your inn room door is locked before going to sleep. You could wake up to find things missing, you might wake up to a slit throat, or you might wake up to a beautiful girl riding your morning wood. An unlocked door is an invitation, and the custom of an Aeryllian maid is to first try the door handle, and then knock if it's locked. After Megz left last night, I forgot to lock my door.In the past two days, I had been shot by several poisoned arrows, stabbed, cut, clawed, tackled, bruised, tossed around like a ragdoll by a couple of pissed off werebears,
I walked with William over to the supply wagon, and began to outfit him. I also provided him with one of the falcons. I instructed him with the proper commands so that he could use it both for hunting and sending messages."I understand that the Skulls have an uncanny ability to find their targets. Can you tell me how they do it?" I asked.William nodded and pulled out an amulet he wore beneath his tunic. "These amulets."I looked closely at it. "Those are ELVEN runes!""An elven mage created them." He said without understanding the significance."Hold that thought!" I turned towards the group, "Tay'La, come here!"Tay'La arrived with a look of alarm. "What? What's wrong?"I glanced at William. "Show her."William held out the amulet with a confused look. "What's the issue...?"Tay'La scrutinized the amulet as her eyes widened in shock. She yelled over to the group. "Neria! Come here!"Neria came rushing over, and Tay'La looked at the amulet Tay'La was pointing at. "By the Twelve!" Th