Chapter 73: Freya was Poisoned

Chapter 73: Freya was Poisoned

"How is she? Has she woken up?" Kael asked immediately after the nurse stepped out of the ward Freya was admitted into.

"No. She hasn't woken up yet, but she's responding to treatment," the nurse replied, causing Kael to gnash his teeth. The feeling to kill those four girls overwhelmed him that even the nurse could see the terror in his eyes.

"You can go see her, but do well not to disturb her," the nurse said before leaving his sight quickly, before he could direct his anger at her.

Kael quickly rushed into the ward and slowly shut the door so that the noise wouldn't disturb her. She lay on a stretcher with a drip connected to her hand, and her eyes were closed.

Kael went closer and grabbed one of her hands. He sniffed in the tears that threatened to roll out of his eyes.

"How could you take such a risk, Freya?" he asked, looking at her calm face, hoping she'd provide him with an answer.

"You took the blast knowing fully well it would result in this. I
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