CHAPTER 30: Serena 

The operator got to work, pulling out the electronic files of Tyler and Ryan, containing all their records.

“I’ve transferred to your official cloud sir. You can access it using your password.”

“Password?” Alex stared at her.

“Check your access card, sir, it’s a barcode.”

“Oh okay,” Alex replied sounding relieved.

Oh there you are,” Q stepped out of the elevator, walking towards him.

“Agent Q, where can I get hold of a computer?” Alex asked.

“You can use the control centre up on the balcony,” Q replied. “Or my office.”

“Alright,” said Alex. “I’ll be back.”

Thirty minutes later, Alex reclined his chair backwards and marvelled at the information he had just obtained.

‘’So that’s why they’ve been quiet,” he thought. “They’ve been planning this all along.”

He saw what looked like a satellite photo, and zoomed into it. He could make out two figures whose heads were covered by their hooded shirts. 

He tried to access the security camera footage from Serena's house, but there was none.

“I guess,” he said. “My best lead is the car registration pointing to Tyler.”

He shut down the computer and rose to his feet. As he reached the door, he ran into Agent X.

“I have to go into town,” Alex said. “Some business I want to take care of.”

X nodded. “Be careful.”

Alex went straight to his room where clothes had been provided for his use, in a wardrobe. There were also shoes, bags and other personal items. 

Taking a bag from the closet, he packed a few clothes and other items and headed for the clinic where Serena was admitted.

“I must see her before I go,” he muttered.

Exiting the door, he took the staircase leading to the clinic, two floors below.

“How’s she doing today?” he asked, as he spotted one of the Doctors strolling from Serena’s room.

Recognizing him, the doctor forced a smile. “She’s stable now, but very weak. The sedatives need time to wear off completely”

“Okay Doctor,” Alex replied. “Can I see her now?”

The doctor pointed at her room. 

“Thank you.” Alex quietly opened the door and slid inside.

“What?” he exclaimed.

Serena was lying down helplessly, each of her hands secured with a restraint belt on either side of the bed.

“Alex?” she called out weakly. “Is that you?”

“I’m here my love,” he came closer, sitting on the bedside.

“What are they doing to me?” 

“You’ll be fine Serena.”

“I - I can’t feel my hands. My feet are cold.”

Alex turned away, tears streaming from his eyes. “I can’t take this anymore.”

“What did you say, Alex?”

“Nothing dear,” he replied, wiping the tears with his shirt sleeve.

Standing on his feet, he walked to the window blinds, shutting them down. He locked the door, making sure it was secure.

Turning to Serena, he said,” Baby, do you trust me?”

Serena looked at him bewildered. “I don’t understand Alex. My head still hurts and I can’t see you properly.”

“You were sedated,” he replied, holding her hands. “There’s something I want to do right now. It won’t take long.”

Serena nodded. 

“Close your eyes,” Alex said gently.

As Serena’s eyes closed, Alex placed his right hand over them. He closed his eyes for a moment.

Then suddenly, Serena’s body began to vibrate. She grimaced in pain.

“Shh,’’ Alex encouraged. “All the negative energy is being gathered for expulsion.”

A bright green glow appeared on her forehead, then gradually diffused into the rest of her body, giving her veins a dark purple colouration.

The vibration in her body increased in intensity. Serena tightened her limbs as she stretched against the restraint, attempting to free herself.

“Patience my love, patience,” Alex said as he held her down with his other hand.

Letting out a scream, Serena lay still. Alex sat back in the chair, wiping more sweat from his face.

He looked up as he heard her move. 

‘’I want to vomit,” she said, as she got up and sat on the bed.

Alex looked around but found no bowl. He quickly rose and lifted her off the bed, to the bathroom. As she got to the bathtub, she began to vomit violently.

Alex watched her intently, tapping her back as she emptied her bowels.

When she was done, she knelt on the floor and breathed deeply. After standing still for a minute, she got up and turned to the bathtub.

“Yuck! It’s dark green,’’ she grimaced.

Alex smiled with relief. 

“Welcome back.”

Selena studied him for a moment, then ran her hands over her head and stomach. 

''The pain is gone. Where did you learn how to do that?"

Alex opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by knocks on the door,.

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