All Chapters of Chronicles of Kulkantzi: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
37 chapters
CHAPTER 1: The Provocation
‘’Why has Diego been looking all over campus for you?’’ a student asked.‘’I don’t know. Maybe he needs something,’’ replied Alex, both students walking along the campus lawn leading to the faculty.Deep down in his heart, Alex knew why Diego wanted him. He had kept a low profile for three days, in a bid to avoid him.But today, he had enough and decided to go to class and risk running into him.‘’I regret the day I met those three,’’ he murmured.''For years I've endured their humiliation. But today I'll no longer take it. I'm ready to pay the price,'' he said in defiance.''I do hope you have enough will to fight them off,'' the student gave him a worried look.Alex was quite decisive about what he wanted to be in future, right from an early age."I want to become an archaeologist when I grow up," he said to his mother one day.Years ago, a pregnant Isabella Rodriguez embarked on a long trip to Cosmopolis City. She was seeking refuge from the dangerous gang wars in her home country.
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CHAPTER 2: The Excursion
‘’I demand to know why final year students with only a few months left until graduation, are behaving like a bunch of teenage rascals?’’‘’ I can't believe it! This is unacceptable," Alice scowled.Dr. Alice Harper, a Professor of Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Studies, was also the Dean of the Arts and Humanities faculty.‘’Sorry Dr Harper,’’ Diego apologized, dropping the bat.‘’He, he caused it,’’ he stammered, pointing at Alex.‘’Silence young man. Wait in my office. I’ll be having a word with your father about this, today.’’‘’Now will the rest of you get into the class for my revision lectures!’’Alex picked up his spectacles. He also grabbed the amulet, rubbed it against his yellow shirt to remove the dirt, and put it back in his pocket.Diego headed in the other direction. He dreaded his father and knew he would be in trouble if this incident was ever mentioned to the El Capo.There were suppressed giggles from the other students in the hall, as Alex, Tyler and Ryan marched
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CHAPTER 3: The Rebirth
As he plummeted, memories of his life flashed before him—the moments with his mother, Serena, childhood adventures, and cherished loved ones—all converging in an instant.With a sickening thud, his body smashed against the unforgiving rocky floor with such devastating impact that he was mortally wounded. Alex was left all alone fighting for his life.There was a sharp pain in his back which began to spread. He opened his mouth to ask for help but blood gushed out, flowing into the sand.He gasped for air, his body wracked with agony as he struggled to stay conscious. "I'm hurt. I can't move. Help!". Silence.His voice waned to a feeble whisper as his life ebbed away. Just when he had lost all hope, the amulet began to emit a luminous green light, casting a glow in the darkened surroundingsThe last thing he remembered was a shadowy figure floating towards him.*****‘’Arise chosen one, Kukulkan commands’’ a voice thundered, causing the entire chamber to vibrate like in an earthquake.
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CHAPTER 4: The Bus Ride
‘’Alex! Alex!! Alex!!!’’Silence.‘’Where could he have gone,’’ Alice asked.‘’Who knows? Could be somewhere in these surroundings,’’ one student replied.A few hours earlier, the excursion crew were conducted around different areas of the ancient site. After the visit, everyone had converged on the bus, when Serena noticed Alex was missing.‘’I couldn’t find him at the top, or around the pyramid,’’ one of the tour guides replied.‘’My partner has also searched around this ancient site, with some workers here. No success.’’‘’Serena! you were with him when we left the bus, yeah?’’ said one of the students.‘’He told me he wanted to look around,’’ she replied.‘’Where?’’‘’I don’t know exactly. He just said he would explore the grounds. Excuse me.’’Serena hurried to the bushy area at the east side of the temple. All she could see was trees which stretched for miles. ‘’Could he have wandered into this jungle?’’ she thought.‘’Alex!She waded through the thick grass for a few minutes.‘
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CHAPTER 5: The Manifestation
"The guardians had already revealed so much within a short period that Alex struggled to take it all in at once.He was still concerned as the amulet was giving off a red-coloured glow.‘’Someone very close to your heart is in grave danger,’’ Yum Wey said.‘’Concentrate. Listen.’’‘’To summon your powers, you must always look within yourself.’’Alex focused his energy for a few seconds. All he got were screams and noise. He paused for a few seconds to filter out all the noise. Then he heard it.‘’Serena?’’ his eyebrows raised. ‘’Oh, my goodness, she must be in trouble.’’‘’Go,’’ Cetzel declared, with a smile. ‘'We shall meet again soon.’’Nodding, Alex closed his eyes briefly and imagined himself on the upper surface of the temple. His body became transparent for a few seconds, flashed, disappeared, and reappeared in its normal form. He repeated the process twice but met the same disappointing end.‘’What am I doing wrong?’’ he asked in frustration. ‘’Why can’t I teleport?’’‘’Young M
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CHAPTER 6: The Return 
Detective Luis Gomez of the Policía Estatal de Yucatán (Yucatan Police Department) sat behind his mahogany desk staring at the young man in front of him.Gomez was in his late thirties. Having served in the Mexican Fuerzas Especiales (Special Forces), he received rigorous training in counter-terrorism, unconventional warfare, and direct action missions.His boss, the Chief of Police, had taken some weeks of sick leave, leaving him temporarily in charge of the police station.After listening attentively to the young man’s story, he still wasn’t very convinced.‘’You mean you just wandered into the jungle on your own without any idea about where you were going?’’‘’Yes, detective. I had always wanted to explore the dense tropical vegetation. But somehow I lost my sense of direction.’’‘’Hmm... Gomez nodded as he lighted a cigarette, his legs on the desk.’’‘’So how did you find your way back?’’‘’Well, I got lucky.’’‘’Lucky huh? Perhaps you’ll care to explain why your bag was found nea
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CHAPTER 7: The Response
‘’You were supposed to be dead,’’ Diego muttered, summoning some courage‘’How did he survive?’’ Ryan asked, surprised.‘’Maybe the hole wasn’t as deep as we thought.’’‘’Some guts you have coming in here all alone after all that happened, Alex,’’ Tyler sneered.‘’You think you’re some tough guy huh?’’‘’I bet he would yelp for help as usual. Maybe this time, that Serena girl will come to his rescue.’’All three burst into laughter.Alex looked unperturbed, not noticing their subtle threats.‘’Don’t you have nothing to say poor street rat?’’ Tyler teased.‘’Cat got your tongue, Indie?’’Alex cast a nonchalant gaze at the trio, then shifted attention to his wristwatch. ‘’You boys should find something better to do with your time. All the wealth you display belongs to your parents. Not you.’’‘’Just friendly advice,’’ he added, turning to leave.‘’What did you just say?’’ Tyler asked angrily.Silence‘’Hey, I’m talking to you, dummy.’’‘’Looks like good old Indie is high on some Mexica
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CHAPTER 8: The Abduction
A staff of La Cantina walked out of the door towards the black SUV, with three bags of packaged food in her hands.After the driver handed over some wads of cash to her, the vehicle drove towards the highway and sped off, with a blue Ford Minivan escorting it."I have to go, Serena," Alex said with a sense of urgency."I forgot something in the hotel, and it’s very important."‘’What did you forget Alex?’’ she asked, looking directly into his eyes.‘’Oh um, my mama. She asked me to deliver a package to one of her relatives, who lives not too far from the hotel.’’‘’I’m coming with you.’’‘’No, No. I’ll handle it dear. Enjoy your meal.’’"Is it about the bill? I’ll pay and - ""No, not at all. I got some pocket money from my trip sponsor. Please, I’ll meet you later. Promise.’’He dropped some dollar bills on the table, kissed her on the cheek, and hurried towards the exit door.On stepping outside, he looked ahead but the vehicles were no longer in sight. ‘’Dang!’’ he bit his lips in
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CHAPTER 9: Darkness Looms
‘’Who goes there?’’ a voice thundered from the darkness."It is I, Tsozil, Dark Master," came the reply. "My brother and I bring news."‘’Speak!’’‘’We followed the signal from the temple. We located the human.’’‘’Are you certain it was him?’’‘’Yes, Dark Lord Kimil. We observed and - ‘’‘’What of the Chakoom?’’‘’It was with the boy, Dark Master.’’‘’So, it is true.’’Kimil emerged from the shadows, completely clothed in dark armor, and bearing the face of a skeleton.As the Dark Lord Master, he was the most powerful of all the dark lords. Their dwelling place was Xiba, controlled by Ixtab, the god of death and ruler of the underworld.He paced back and forth as the spies delivered the information to him. Pausing for a while, he said: ‘’The human is protected by the Chakoom.’’‘’When shall we attack him Dark Master?’’"We wait for the opportune moment."‘’Yes Master.’’ Tsozil and his brother bowed,‘’You may leave,’’ Kamil dismissed both bat creatures with a wave.‘’My fellow lords
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CHAPTER 10: The Curandero
‘’So, what did she say?’’ Serena asked in excitement as she escorted Alex away from the campus administrative building.‘’Nothing much. Just the usual.’’‘’I don’t buy it. She must have said something.’’‘’She only warned me never to break the rules again.’’‘’Really? Just that?’’‘’Yeah.’’‘’Surprising. Usually, when Dr Harper invites you to her office, that means trouble.’’‘’Guess I got lucky,’’ Alex chuckled.‘’I agree with her though.’’‘’On what?’’‘’Everything. You shouldn't go around poking your nose everywhere’’‘’You think she’s right?”‘’Absolutely. You couldn’t have got lost if you had stuck with us.’’‘’Okay you win,’’ Alex said, raising his hands in surrender.They strolled across the lawn to the library, their bags strapped to their backs. Just a few days ago, they had flown back from Mexico, without three other students, who had to stay behind to receive medical treatment.‘’Have you seen Tyler and Ryan since our return?’’ she asked.‘’No. Why?’’‘’I hear they will be
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