All Chapters of Chronicles of Kulkantzi: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
37 chapters
CHAPTER 11: Night at the Museum
‘’And now to my last question Mr. Rodriguez,’’ Jenny said, checking on her phone to see how long the interview had lasted.Alex sighed. This was the third time she was letting him know, that she would round up soon. Yet she kept on talking like a chatterbox.‘’What advice do you have for people who wish to embark on such visits to ancient sites?’’‘’Well, always ensure you allow locals or tour guides to lead the way,’’ he replied, making a time-up sign with his hands.Jenny nodded. ‘’We’ve come to the end of this interview. Thanks for your time.’’‘’See you at this evening’s exhibition at the museum,’’ Alex smiled as he waved her goodbye.He had barely walked for a minute when his mobile phone rang. The caller ID was blank, indicating that it was an unknown number. Hesitating a bit, he picked up the call.‘’Hello!”Silence.‘’Hello!!’’‘’We’re coming for you,’’ a male husky voice spoke from the other line.‘’Who is this?’’ a surprised Alex asked. The line immediately went dead.Walkin
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CHAPTER 12: The Call Logs
‘’Who? Do I know you? Alex questioned, looking bewildered.‘’I have met with your mother Isabella,’’ Luz explained. ‘’She told me where I could find you.’’‘’My mama?’’‘’Yes. I’m a spiritual healer and sorcerer. Came from Mexico to warn you.’’‘’But it seems,’’ he said pointing at the lifeless heap of fossil, ‘’that they got to you first.’’Alex looked at him, still searching for answers. ‘’How did you know?’’Luz smiled, stretching out his palms to return the chakoom. ‘’I had a little chat with a spiritual friend of yours.’’Alex’s eyes widened in surprise.Looking around to be sure nobody was listening, Luz bent over to Alex and whispered: ‘’Cetzal appeared to me while I consulted the spirits. Gave me all the instructions.’’‘’The Dark Lord Kimil is amassing a large force for the final battle. As the chosen one, the guardians want you to be ready.’’‘’What you just witnessed this evening was Kimil testing the waters.’’''Time is running out, and we must prepare you immediately.''''
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CHAPTER 13: The Shadow Sect
‘’Silence!’’ Kimil ordered, pacing up and down his enclave in anger.Tsozil was on his knees shivering in fright. ‘’Dark Lord Master, we followed him. But he – ‘’‘’You failed!’’ Kimil cut in. ‘’Your orders were to keep me updated on the son of Kulkantzi.’’‘’The sorcerer, he cast a spell – ‘’‘’What spell is more powerful than the power of darkness?’’ Kimil roared‘’My lord, he has some sort of magic that keeps him spiritually cloaked.’’‘’Grrrrr,’’ Kimil released a ball of fire at Tsozil, narrowly missing his head.‘’If it wasn’t for your incompetence, I would have snuffed the life out of that boy.’’‘’You almost had him, dark master,’’ a dark lord spoke.‘’Aye,’’ Kimil replied, pausing for a moment. ‘’I could feel his fear, his vulnerability.‘’When my shadow gripped him, I took a brief peek into his life’’‘’The sorcerer,’’ said another dark lord.‘’He has some knowledge on how to wield the powers of the chakoom,’’ Tsozil added, shielding his head with his hands, as if expecting a
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CHAPTER 14: The Apprentice
It's mid-spring semester and students of Cosmopolis University are preparing for their three-week spring break. Alex was seated in the campus cafeteria with Serena.‘’How’s the leg, my love?’’ he asked, sipping coffee from a mug.Serena heaved a sigh of relief. ‘’I’m glad I’ve been discharged from that hospital. Such a boring place.”‘’You still in pain?’’‘’Not really much. I’m currently taking the analgesics prescribed by the doctor.’’‘’That’s great, Alex looked into her eyes as he took another sip.He had been discharged the following day after the doctor ruled out any injuries, but Serena had to stay for a few days more. Luckily, she didn’t sustain any broken bones due to her encounter.Dr Harper had visited them the next morning after the T Rex attack. As she left, she looked back and said to him, ‘’You are really a cat with nine lives.’’‘’I’ll be visiting my mother later today,’’ Alex announced, holding Serena’s hands.‘’Oh nice,’’ Serena replied. ‘’What about your uncle Mr. M
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CHAPTER 15: The Shadow Ninjas
The night has given way for the day. It’s eight o’clock in the morning, and Alex and Isabella are having breakfast at the dining table.‘’Luz told me what happened,’’ she looked up to her son.Alex nodded, remaining silent while eating.‘’I just,’’ she continued ‘’wanted to be sure you were going to be okay while you deal with these changes.’’‘’C’mon Mama,’’ he smiled. ‘’It’s not as if I’m passing through puberty.’’‘’But a lot of, you know, responsibility, will rest on your young shoulders now,’’ she intoned, her voice laced with anxiety.‘’I’ll be fine Mama. It’s nothing that I can’t handle.’’‘’Alright,’’ she raised her hands in surrender. ‘’But even a demi-god needs to watch his back.’’‘’Mama?’’ He cast a cautionary look around him, then whispered. ‘’You can’t just go about telling everybody -’’‘’Forgive me. I understand,’’ Isabella cut in. ‘’Just that when I remember how the gangs killed your father, I get scared.’’She withdrew into eating her food quietly as if lost in though
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CHAPTER 16: The First Element
‘’Shadow sect?’’ Alex narrowed his eyes.‘’I’ve heard of them before,’’ Luz picked his bag from the floor and stood up. ‘’It’s some kind of secret cult.’’‘’Cult?’’Luz looked up to Alex. ‘’A lot of dark forces are after you, son of Kulkantzi.’’‘’I see.’’ Alex nodded,The sound of a man groaning caught their attention. The ninja whose arm was dislocated was on his feet, limping away.‘’Quick,’’ Luz rushed to intercept him, pushing him to the ground. ‘’This one may have some answers,’’Both men pinned the ninja to the ground. Alex grabbed him by the collar, a menacing look on his face.‘’Who sent you?’’ he growled. ‘’Speak!’’Silence‘’You had better talk now or we will worsen your pain,’’ Luz added.The ninja struggled violently to free himself, to no avail.''Hold him,'' said, Luz. ''I have a truth portion in my bag. Should make him spill it.''Luz moved away towards the car. As Alex looked away, the ninja slipped something into his mouth, using his free hand.''Why you!'' Alex held
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CHAPTER 17: El-Diablo
EL DIABLO HEADQUARTERSHe was seated behind his mahogany desk, staring pensively out the window of his fourth-floor penthouse office suite. The intercom suddenly beeped and Carlos Alvarez depressed the button.‘’Yes?’’‘’Your son is here to see you, sir,’’ a voice sounded from the other line‘’What?’’ raising his voice in anger, then letting out a sigh. ‘’Let him in.’’Diego sauntered into the well-furnished office, clutching his bag. He made his way to the dispenser, drank some water and then walked across to sit on the sofa opposite his father’s desk.‘’What’s with the cap?’’ Carlos spoke.Diego shrugged. ‘’Nothing. Just felt like wearing it.’’Carlos nodded. ‘’You’re not in school?’’‘’Spring Break just started.’’‘’Mhmm,’’ Carlos muttered, reaching for a cigar.‘’Dad,’’ Diego said, looking up at him. ‘’Why have you forbidden me from doing anything about that piece of trash Alex?’’‘’Hmm,’’ Carlos adjusted his sitting position to look more directly at Diego.He paused for a moment
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CHAPTER 18: The Costume
How did it go? Luz said to Alex, handing him a towel. ‘’You’re drenched.’’Alex wiped his hair with the towel and nodded. ‘’Guess I managed to make it.’’Luz hugged him in excitement, kissing him on the forehead.‘’You’re now an elemental?’’Alex nodded, smiling.‘’Sorcerer,’’ Cetzel called out. ‘’The Guardians aren’t done with him yet.’’‘’Sorry my lord,’’ he apologized.‘’Son of Kulkantzi,’’ he turned to Alex. ‘’There are ominous signs ahead, as the day of the final battle approaches.’’‘’You have to be prepared for just about anything,’’ Yum Balam intoned.‘’I understand that now my guardians,’’ Alex looked at him thoughtfully.‘’This Kimil,’’ he asked. ‘’Why hasn’t he invaded Earth yet?’’‘’Hmm,’’ Yum Chak shook his head.‘’He’s chained to the underworld which limits his powers of direct intervention. For now, he can only fight by proxy.’’‘’But,’’ Cetzel intercepted. ‘’Like I told you last time you were here. Your rebirth has set off a clock.’’‘’And we’ll be out of time when the
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CHAPTER 19: The Diamonds
Alex sank into the sofa, the phone still positioned on his ear. ‘’Go on. I’m all ears.’’‘’You’re gonna steal something for us.’’‘’Steal? Maybe you got the wrong person.’’ Alex’s voice rose. ‘’I’m no thief.’’‘’We know about your sorcerer friend and the magic tricks with the dinosaur. This is real life, Alex. No magic is going to save her.’’Alex paused for a moment, then spoke. ‘’What do you want me to get?’’‘’You’ll steal a suitcase of diamonds from the city metropolitan bank. No tricks.’’Alex covered the mouthpiece for a moment and whispered to Luz. ‘’They want me to steal from a bank.’’Luz had a surprised look on his face as Alex resumed the conversation.‘’So, assuming I retrieve the diamonds, how will you get it?’’‘’Meet us at the old meat factory at 9 Alamao Close.’’‘’When?’’‘’Seven p.m. And come alone.’’‘’Wait! Alex continued. ‘’How do I know my mama’s okay? Let me talk to her!’’‘’You have 5 seconds.’’After a pause, Isabella’s faint voice came on the line. ‘’Alex? Al
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CHAPTER 20: Fire and Water
All of a sudden, the lights were switched on. There were fifteen policemen in the room, and they were now face-to-face with the armed kidnappers.‘’We have you surrounded, Kostas,’’ Gomez said, stepping forward. ‘’Anything you say will be used against you in court.’’‘’You’re dumber than I thought, cop,’’ Andreas Kostas laughed, coming out of the shadows.‘’You think this is funny?’’ Gomez replied, a serious look on his face.‘’Alex was still hidden in a corner, watching the altercation. ‘’Who is this Kostas guy?’’ he wondered.‘’You do not understand what real power is,’’ Kostas smirked at the cops. ‘’Now you will.’’‘’I warn you for the last time,’’ Gomez said angrily. ‘’Drop your weapons!’’The two women dressed in black were now standing close to Kostas. One of them clapped her hands and a thick smoke covered the room.‘’Kill!’’ screamed Kostas as he retreated with the women.All of a sudden, sounds of guns blazed through the air. Kostas’ men shot indiscriminately at everything th
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