Chapter 33: Awkward Meeting

A small, amused smile played at the corners of Alex’s lips, growing into a full, booming laugh.

The leader of the gunmen, a hefty man with a scar running down his cheek, stepped forward, his voice a low growl.

"Ready!" he spat, venom dripping from his words

“Aim!” he barked, raising his right hand.

The blaring of a car horn broke the solemn silence. All eyes turned to the gate as it opened to allow the vehicle in.

“What are y’all waiting for?” Diego screamed. “Shoot him!”


“Do it!”

“Sorry young boss,” the leader shook his head. “El Capo is here. He will give instructions now.”

”Cowards,” Diego muttered, shaking his head reproachfully.

All the gunmen slung their weapons back over their shoulders, their eyes fixed on the black limousine slowly parking at the main entrance of the complex.

“Move,” the leader pointed a handgun at Alex’s head. “And I want your hands where I can see them.”

Alex put his hands behind his head and was marched towards the limousine.

“My father will dea
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