Chapter 34: Revealed
“Mama?” Alex muttered, narrowing his eyes in thought.

Diego shook his head in disbelief, restraining himself from speaking to avoid further incurring his father’s wrath.

All three men maintained a graveyard silence as they waited for Isabella.

Within minutes, there was a soft tap on the door.

“Come in,” Carlos said, puffing out more smoke.

He replaced the cigar in the ashtray, his gaze fixed on the door.

Isabella opened the door quietly, almost tiptoeing into the room. She was dressed in a denim jean skirt paired with a pink shirt. Her dark hair was neatly arranged and tied with a matching pink ribbon.

She failed to notice Diego and Alex seated to her left, as her gaze was focused on Carlos.

“You going to stand there, or do u want to sit?” Carlos spoke politely.

Isabella stood transfixed, clutching her bag. “We need to talk, Carlos.”

“Mama,” Alex interrupted, rising from the chair.

Isabella turned towards the direction of the voice.

"What?" she gasped, startled by the surprise.

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