Chapter 37: The Reptile

Serena's voice quivered with anxiety. "What's going on, Alex? Who is he?"

Alex held her gently, a soft smile touching his lips. "I'll explain everything when I return from this mission."

"Mission? I don't understand." Serena clung to him, her grip tightening. "It sounds dangerous."

"This is what I do now, love."

"Why do you sound like this? You've really changed."

"Cosmopolis is in danger. I have to go," Alex said apologetically, gently prying her hands off him.

He stood up, facing Agent Q. "Let's go."

"Miss Davis," the agent announced, "my staff will take you home. Your parents are expecting you."

"But I don't want to go without Alex," she protested.

"It's for your safety, ma'am," Q insisted, giving Alex a meaningful look.

"Oh, uh," Alex stammered instinctively. "I'll see you at home later, okay?"

"Promise?" Serena's voice was fragile, laden with helplessness.

Alex nodded, kissed her hand, and quickly left with Q. Serena followed them to the door, watching as they stepped into the el
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