Chapter 36: Metahuman

"Are you sure it was thoroughly checked?" Agent Q asked, a worried look on his face.

The computer operator nodded, swinging his chair towards him. "We're certain, sir. It's not from this world."

"Just got a report from the police," Agent X added. "And it's not looking good."

"Ah, there you are," Agent Q smiled as he turned to the entrance.

"What's up, Q?" Alex spoke, out of breath. "I came as soon as I could."

"There has been an attack in Cosmopolis," Q replied.

"Uh-huh?" Alex nodded attentively. "When?"

"Today. The creature broke into an antique shop, killing the owner and his wife."


"Their heads were severed from their bodies."

"Ugh." Alex recoiled in disgust. "Did anybody get a description?"

"We're processing the CCTV footage," Q said.

"It was damaged in the attack," X cut in. "But our techies are working on it."

"So, nobody knows what it looks like?" Alex turned to the operator.

"Eyewitnesses confirmed it possessed the body of a human and the head of a reptile, sir," the op
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