Comeback of the Great General
Comeback of the Great General
Author: Olly
CHAPTER 1. Strange call 


General Damien pulled the device from his left ear as a crisp but frail voice rang out loudly! 


His brows creased seriously, feeling confounded, his lips pressed into a thin cold line as the air tore thin! 

He was the great general known across the world, who had built a vast empire of extra ordinary army and was even respected and worshipped by some! As the sole commander and god of the Central city, he protected the three borders from foreign invaders and enemies. Just within five years, he made a strong reputation out for himself after he was saved by his mysterious master when he almost lost his life totally. 

Now, he was been unexpectedly summoned by a strange little girl?

Right in the middle of a fierce war?

And he was even called daddy?


He felt a mild tug at his heart as he heard her scream.

"Daddy, please save me!!"

"Little one, I think you have me mistaken for someone else. It seems you dialed the wrong number."

"No! You're my daddy! Please save me. My mummy was just taken away by some bad men, and now bad Mr Peter will hurt me!", she sobbed and cried harder. 

He was charged up, ready to command his men to attack the enemy, who dared tresspass one of the three borders of great nation which he protected. Growing perplexed at the moment, his eyes became sharp and inscrutable. 

"I don't have a daughter, little one", Damien said as softly as he could muster, feeling impatient.

He was going to end the call when she spoke.

"But you are. My mummy said you are my daddy. Did you forget her? Her name is Elena. My name is Lily George", she said, hiccuping pitifully as she spoke.

He felt the world froze promptly! 

Elena George!

The name rang a loud bell in his mind. It had been five or six years since he had heard of her.

"Elena George-"

Suddenly, the receiver became fuzzy with the little girl screaming.

"Leave me alone", her voice echoed from the other end of the line, seemingly terrified. 

"You little rat! You think you can escape me. I'll teach you a lesson you will never forget!!", a raspy voice boomed.

"Daddy, please come and save me! They have taken mummy away and they want to torture me. Save Lily!", she screamed and bursted into tears as a loud slap resounded from the phone.


"Daddy, my fucking ass! Come here you little rat. Who cares about your daddy?! Your daddy is dead rotten six feet under the ground! I will-"


A vase landed on the floor with a loud sound.

Damien was hot all over as he heard the exchange, and his initial excitement was replaced with a deadly glare. His eyes blazed uncontrollably as his brows snapped fiercely! 

An overwhelming terrifying suffocating aura surged out from him and bursted out violently, fury thumping at his heart like a drumbeat! 

The whole atmosphere dropped to a freezing point! 

Even the entire army felt the new burst of deadly energy! 

He couldn’t comprehend the sudden and uncontrollable emotions, but he felt really uneasy, while his gaze lowered, turning deep and dark! 

He had a feeling something was wrong with a part of him! 

His eyes were sharp and cold as ice, then jaws tightened rapidly! 

"Carlos!", he roared from his room, and his assistant rushed into the room.

"Great general", he bowed his head, his calf trembling nervously due to the dangerous aura emitting from Damien. 

"The soldiers are all ready, general."

"Suspend them. Suspend the whole damn war!"

Carlos was confused but nodded unsurely, knowing Damien might have his reason. 

But who had ignited the god's wrath?! 

The last time someone tramped on the great general and the latter released this kind of suffocating bone chilling aura, more than ten thousand soldiers were snapped to death within three days! 

"We need to leave now! I have to see my daughter!"

Carlos confusion heightened. "My lord?"

"You heard me. Take this device. Track down the location of the last call! Get the jet ready!", he ordered with a murderous glint in his eyes.


Lily sobbed pitifully as she crouched down beneath the table in the dark and scattered warehouse.

Her eyes were wet and red, with tears glistening and lurking them. Sniffling slowly, the tears clung gently to her long lashes and she trembled helplessly. 

"Come out. Come out, wherever you are", the raspy voice of the robust Mr Peter, echoed with a strange tone as he approached where she had run into.

"Don't make me come and get you or your punishment will be much worse!"

She screamed as he grabbed her by her feet, which gave her away. He snatched the phone from her hands and smashed it against the wall.

"You had a phone here and kept it from me all these while? Who were you talking to? Do you think anyone can save you from me?!"

"M-m-my d-daddy will," she replied frightfully but firmly, and another slap landed on her face! 

Her face instantly became swollen like a blister! 

"When I'm done with you, all the daddy you think is coming to save you will see is your little bones scattered you the butchering table, you little rat. When I'm done tearing your unfortunate body into pieces, I'll be glad to see your bastard father's face."

He placed her on the 'butchering table' and began to run a pen knife down her thigh, a fresh smell of metallic and iron oozing out. 

She screamed in pain.

"Won't you beg?", he asked with a sadistic smile. 

"No! You're a bad man", she sobbed.

This pissd him off the more, and he pressed it against her skin more.

More blood flowed out like it was seeking an escape. 

"You little whore. You're just like your dumb mother. You're useless!"

Lily stared at him with teary eyes, but she stubbornly pressed her lips together.


"Great general, we should wait till this storm is over. It could get really bad", the pilot warned, but Damien would not be deterred.

He clenched his hands in a fist.

"I don't give a damn. We are not going to stop till we get to our destination! Keep going!” 

Hearing the intense order, no one dared to question the majesty and lowered their heads. 

The plane trembled as it experienced turbulence, and the pilot again warned.

"We should stop over and wait the storm out"

Carlos sighed. "Great general, I think we should listen to the pilot. This storm looks terrible." 

His tone was calm, contradicting the heavy atmosphere. 

Damien gritted his teeth. "And let my daughter die?!". His expression was cold and dreadful. He shived the bottle of wine that had been placed before him in rage. "We won't stop till we get to the hospital. That's why I hire the best damn pilots! Keep flying!"

Damien sat, seething in his seat as the plane trembled again. He was not in the least afraid of the turbulence. All he cared about was the little girl, who had spoken to him on the phone. He groaned as he recalled her screams on the other end of the line.

'I'm coming for you, Lily!'


Minutes later. 

"Clear the way!", he ordered his men, who immediately began to make way for him to pass through the people who crowded the hospital's waiting room.

"What room is Lily George??!", he questioned the nurse who sat at a table coldly. 

The nurse frowned. "And who are you?"

"How dare you reply my question with a question? Answer my damn question this minute, or you won’t have the chance to see the next light!"

The nurse’s eyes widened in shock as she saw the men who stood behind him. His expression was deadly, and she could feel the heat of his rage from her seat.  

"Room..... 320", she replied frightfully, stuttering.

In the next second, a strong gust of wind sped past her like a terrible phantom! 

On getting to the room, Damien was stopped by a man who stood at the door..

"You're not allowed to go in, Mr. Only the medical personnel's are allowed in.”

Damien's bloodshot eyes made his heart skip!

A glint of recognition flashed across his face suddenly.

"The Great General!"

"Get lost! “ he said calmly, but his tone was full of an underlying deadly ice! 

The man nodded fearfully and practically ran away.


The door to the room where Lily was been tortured flew open, and Damien walked in with hell in his eyes!

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