"I must meet him right away!"

"I must meet with him right away. I won't take a 'no' for an answer. It's better for you to get out of my way!"

The active Mr Marcot was wearing a long face, the corner of his eyes dark and sans any form of peace.

"Calm down please. Please sir. Calm down."

Elisa pleased, standing in the way of the man. The man was willing and ready to push her out of his way, he looked it. But for some reason, he was holding back. Perhaps because he also considers ladies to be fragile. The reason for his hesitation was hidden. But it wouldn't be forever.

"Do you want to make a song out of that?"

Mr Marcot snapped at her. The confused Elisa exclaimed,

"Huh? What song? What are you talking about?"

Mr Marcot scoffed.

"Calm down please... Please sir. Calm down."

Mr Marcot said in a silly tone, an attempt to mimick as well as scorn Elisa. Elisa should be offended but she wasn't.

"You keep saying those words as though in no time from now you would jump into a studio and hit the Vegas with a track. You k
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