Damien stood on the carcass of the second Batsquatch which he had just killed. One of his legs on its head which he had just crushed against a hard trunk of a baobab tree. His eyes were glowing and his face stern. His body was positioned towards the front. He was looling like he had a score to settle.

At his front, about a metre away, there were the remaining three Batsquatches growling at him. He had his reason for not taking off his leg from the head of the dead Batsquatch.

Perhaps he was trying to pass a message across to the rest that if they knew what was good for them, they would know for sure that the same fate would catch up with them.

Again, he did realise that the impression he was giving could be misinterpreted by the beasts. They could be scared away by the sight of one of them being killed.

But that wasn't a reasonable thought to bank on. The system made sure to make it clear to him that he was to take down all the Batsquatches.

Which meant, even if the Batsquatc

Thanks to Jah Nesta for the review. Waiting for the rest... on the homepage of the book. Not the chapter. Thanks for reading.

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