"Why's this bastard looking at my dick?"

Damien should feel elated and bold because of the sudden change of the two Batsquatches who were left. The only meaning he could read to it was the fact that they couldn't bear to stand before him again. They probably were scared because of what he did to his recent kill.

[Ping! Host should be ready for a wild impact. Double attacks.]


Damien's jaws dropped.

"They are not scared of me? They are getting ready? How could that be?"

He knew he didn't have the time to argue with the system or his instinct. All he had to do was seize the moment and not be caught off guard. He couldn't afford to let his guard down.

"Even if they would attack... wait a minute, I mean they are supposed to attack one after the other. Isn't that what the system said... or, was I the one who was thinking too much?"

He found himself asking so many questions which he was reluctant to give answers to.

"On the bright side, that's a good thing. If they come at me at once, it'll be a once-and-for-all thing.
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