Chapter 70




These were the words to best describe the blow that Xing Wenghu just inflicted upon the wall. His fist of pure power radiating his natural shining qi. It was a sight to behold by his companions. Whatever Xing Wenghu and Feng Peng had experienced, it certainly multiplied his power!

Calling out his own sound effect, Xing Wenghu's fist burst through the rocky wall, shattering it into a thousand pieces very hard. The blow was so powerful, each of the rocks would know from that day forward. If they ever saw Xing Wenghu, they would automatically destroy themselves in his presence.

And this was possible through cells. Every Cell in those rocks that day learned one exact phrase, a phrase that many things in the Battle Royale would soon learn. One that every rock that descended from them would have burned into their memory.

"Don't Fuck with Xing Wenghu"

Xing Wenghu stepped through the clearing he just created. It led into another make shift tunnel, one t
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