Chapter 87
Xing Wenghu looked at Sun Yaozu in the eye. He was burning with primordial hatred inside. All of his anger, his teenage angst and the edginess of half the manga characters he read about had coalsced into a very powerful and potent combination inside of the young man. Sun Yaozu instinctually felt his body disobey him, he took a step back and hadn't realized it until a few seconds later.

He gasped loudly, seeing his feet already attempting to feel from Xing Wenghu. He could not believe what he was witnessing, the dorky weabou cultivator he had no reason to fear or envy in any way shape or form was driving him back! "No...That stupid kid! It cant be! How is he doing that. He's not supposed to have any form of Cultivation Powers. He's some hapless loser. How on earth is he gonna stand a chance against me!" Sun Yaozu's mind was unable to comprehend just what Xing Wenghu had gone thrown to obtain power.

To Sun Yaozu, Xing Wenghu was some forgettable idiot.

But in reality, Sun Yaozu was a


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