Jessica Jones

Chapter sixteen.

As Almiron and Zayn entered the bustling cafeteria of the university, they couldn’t help but notice the familiar figure of Calvin and his group, the Eradicators, seated at a nearby table. The atmosphere in the cafeteria shifted subtly as their presence was felt, a tense undercurrent running through the air.

Almiron and Zayn exchanged wary glances as they made their way towards an empty table, keeping a cautious eye on Calvin and his team. They knew that any interaction with the Eradicators could quickly escalate into conflict, and they wanted to avoid that at all costs.

As Zayn was about to speak, his attention was suddenly captured by the arrival of a stunning new student. Jessica Jones, a recent transfer, entered the cafeteria, her presence drawing the eyes of everyone around her.

Almiron couldn’t help but be captivated by Jessica’s beauty and poise as she made her way through the room. Her confidence was evident in every step she took, and Almiron found himself u
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