"To think that one of our own would betray us like this," George Thompson thundered, his voice echoing through the opulent boardroom. Presiding an urgent meeting and the executive table was filled with his top management team, their faces etched with trepidation.

" Maya Stevens, our former programmer, jas been conspiring with our competitor, sharing our confidential trade secrets," he continued. "Unbelievable."

A collective gasp rippled through the room. The implications were dire. Maya Stevens, once a rising star within the company, had resigned abruptly months earlier, citing undervaluation and a lack of recognition.

"How could this happen? We have always prides ourselves on our generous compensation and employee benefits." George demanded.

"Sir, we did everything we could to retain Ms. Stevens," Mr. Lowry, a senior manager explained, "We offered her a significant pay raise ans a promotion to lead our new Artificial Intelligence division."

"But ut wasn't enough," another manager
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