Henry Constantine emerged from the Senate building, his body weary and his mind abuzz after a grueling hearing. For hours, he had endured relentless barrage of accusations, each senator vying with each other in their condemnations.

But Henry knew the truth that George Thompson, the billionaire had played by the rules. He had paid his taxes, invested in his businesses and created jobs for thousands of people. Yet, the senators had chosen to ignore the facts, preferring instead to grandstand and score political points.

Shed of his disguise, Henry felt a profound sense of relief. The weight of pretending to be someone he was not had finally lifted. Yet, as he walked down the Rollingstone avenue, a gnawing emptiness replaced the exhilaration he had initially felt.

Life as George Thompson had been glamorous, but it had also been isolating. Surrounded by yes-men and self-serving hangers-on, he had lost touch with the ordinary world of everyday people.

Now, as Henry Constantine, he realize
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