"I will not know it unless you tell me if you still trust me?" Margaret also asked a question that even Henry could not answer.

It was during Henry's senior high-school years that he met Margaret, who was widely known on their campus because aside from being the daughter of a wealthy family, she was also gifted with beauty and talent.

In an unexpected turn of events, the two crossed paths because of a dare that Margaret accepted from her friends, which was to make Henry, an odd duck, to be her boyfriend.

Henry couldn't believe it when the girl he likes asked him to be her boyfriend. He immediately fell crazy in love with Margaret, but he had no idea that it was all just a game.

Everyday, Henry watch her play the cello in the music room. Until he saw her kissing another man which break his heart for the first time.

Since that day Henry lost trust in Margaret, but they were not completely separated by fate when Margaret used Henry once again to escape from an arranged marriage.

Henry still loves her so he sacrificed his life and agreed to a marriage without love and sex.

"Henry? Are you okay?" Henry snapped back to reality after remembering something. He scratched his head and nodded unconsciously.

"S-so if you're willing to manage all the wealth, then I'll trust you with what your dad left under my name," Henry said, trusting Margaret in such a matter.

The day has come, Henry mustered the courage to return to Willow Creek with Margaret, preparing themselves for the complicated discussion on the division of wealth.

"I'm amazed at the audacity of your husband to show up here. Don't you know that he brings great misfortune to this family!" Madame Ofelia could not hide her anger towards her son-in-law, whom she had always disliked.

Henry sat at the end of the table while Margaret across from him, stressing as she was being resented by her family, especially her mother.

"Mom, we're here to fix everything," Margaret said, looking at Henry, who took a deep breath and fixed his tie, which was not tied properly.

"Good day. I-I know this is a difficult time for everyone, but I believe it's important that we remain civil and discuss the distribution of my father-in-law's estate in a fair and equitable manner," Henry began nervously. The whole family surrounded him as if they were going to kill him with their stares.

Willam's loud, insulting laughter was heard at the other end of the table. He leaned back in his chair with his arms crossed.

"You're crazy, Henry! Where did you get the nerve to show up and act like you owns our father's wealth."

Henry sighs as he was trying to fight off the shame. "William. I'm not acting like your wealth is mine. I just need to follow what is right. I have the authority under my name and with the help of the executors to legally make a distribution of the property that is appropriate and proportionate to everyone."

Henry handed them copies of the legal documents from the court containing the distribution of assets and property of the Wellington family estate. The Wellington's didn't have the right to contest the will in court because they are not included as beneficiaries but Henry was selfless and chose to give it to them.

A moment later, Henry anticipated everyone's reaction, and their complaints echoed through the room.

"DO YOU THINK THIS IS A FAIR DISTRIBUTION?! WHEN YOU'RE GIVING EVERYTHING TO YOUR WIFE?!" Willam's veins popped out as he tore up the document because of anger and frustrations.

Willam could not accept that he would only receive $500 million dollars and shares of Wellington Enterprises. While Margaret would receive a large portion worth $10 billion dollars. Including all the major assets and properties.

"I'm not giving her everything, William. This is what governed by the terms of the will and laws. Margaret is not just my wife but a trustworthy daughter of your father, she is entitled to a significant portion of the estate," Henry defended.

"A significant portion? That's an understatement! She's going to have more money that she knows nothing to do with, while the rest of us are left with scraps!!" Williams glared at Margaret, who's unable to look at her brother, she knew he's doubting her.

Henry gave him a serious look, "That's not true. I'm making sure that everyone is taken care of. You, your siblings, mother, and other family members will all receive substantial inheritances."

"Substantial?! You call a few million dollars substantial? That's nothing compared to what Margaret is getting!!!" In his annoyance, Willam took off his tie because he felt like getting choked.

"Are you serious, Henry? I'm too expensive for you to give me $100 million dollars?! Like DUH!" Winona complained, thinking only about luxuries.

While Madame Ofelia could not speak. She was only left with $300 million dollars and the Willow Creek mansion. And it seemed like she was going to have a heart attack again.

"You might be forgetting that Richard is my brother. I don't deserve to receive such a small amount!" Auntie Faustina complained. Henry divided the shares of the deceased's siblings to $100 million dollars in Wellington Enterprises.

Henry was left in awe, he can't understand why the people around him were so greedy, "Actually, that is more than enough for you to live comfortably for the rest of your lives. Can you please be contented with what you've been given?? I don't even have a single cent or anything that I took from this because I know you all going to hate me," They all fell silent and focused their attention on Henry, who was running out of patience.

"So what else are you all worrying about?? If you don't like it then there's nothing else I can do and I'm out of your mess! But I have to warn you not to ever meddle with whatever my wife received or else you'll have to face me in the court," Henry stated and no one spoke against of his bold words.

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