The chaos didn't end there because William wouldn't let his sister Margaret to have it all and he believes that he should be the one in power over their dad's wealth.

"You're so foolish for giving everything to Margaret! She knows nothing about running a business!" William wanted to humiliate his sister, but Henry was ready to defend his wife's name.

"That's not true! Margaret is a smart, capable woman who is more than qualified to run the company," Henry corrected. He knew Margaret had enough knowledge and experience to handle their father's business.

"Qualified?! Oh please! What can a housewife married to a stupid man like you do?" William insulted them, and Margaret couldn't hold back her anger anymore, confronting him with her eyes flashing.

"I am not just a housewife! I have a degree in business administration and I worked in the corporate world for years!" Margaret rambled, trying to stand up against her brother.

"Oh, really?? What were you a secretary? Oh, come on! You're so incompetent to become a CEO," William sarcastically said.

"Oh? Look who's talking?? I know the reason why dad didn't trust you because you were found guilty of money laundering!!" Margaret exclaimed, and made everyone in the family shocked by the sudden revelation.

Margaret almost received a slap, but Henry stopped it. He tightly held William's wrist, preventing him from hurting his wife. "Don't hurt her, she's still your sister."

William broke free from Henry's grip, as if disgusted by being touched by him,

"There's a reason why I did commit that crime. I saved dad when he owed money to a ruthless loan shark and was threatening our family. Do you still remember when the company was in the brink of bankruptcy then you ran away from an opportunity to marry a billionaire that could bring substantial money because you chose to marry this trash instead?!"

Margaret remained in her place, deeply hurt by the words spoken by her brother and other family members hating her because of Henry.

"I'm so disappointed in you, Margaret. You always failed me!" Her mother also turned away from her, despising her ever since she married Henry.

Margaret shed tears, feeling like a failure in the eyes of everyone. But there was a man ready to support her and stayed by her side even when everyone else abandoned her.

"Regardless of what they say, I still believe in you. You don't have to prove anything to them, but prove it to yourself that you are brave and capable of facing all of this," Henry cheered, giving his wife a smile that reassured her everything would be alright.

Margaret's tears flowed, she's having a hard time to face everything, "Can I just ask a favor, Henry," Margaret said in a melancholic tone.

"What is it? I'm willing to do anything for you," Henry held her hand, assuring her that he wouldn't let go.

Margaret sobbed, sitting on the floor in despair, "Can you please leave me alone for a while? I need some time to breathe."

"No, I won't leave you here. Let's go back to the hotel. You can rest there properly," Henry replied, concerned.

"No! I don't want to go with you. Can you just leave! I'm tired of seeing you! You're one of my biggest mistakes in life!" Margaret cried. Henry was taken aback hearing those words from his wife.

"Is that so? I'm just a big mistake to you??" Henry asked, trying to hold back his tears.

"Yes! I made a mistake believing that you were someone who could save me from this miserable life," Margaret cried, "You just made me even more miserable. This is all your fault!!"

Henry had no words to say, just tears in his eyes, and felt the sharp pain in his chest. He was hurt to know that the woman he loved blamed and disregarded all the sacrifices he made to save her.

"Please forgive me for what I've caused you, Margaret. If that's what you want, then I'll leave for now," Henry said as he bid farewell.

As he left the mansion, he headed straight to a bar in town to clear his head, drinking alcohol to momentarily forget about the problems in his life. Henry stayed there all night until he was the only one left in the bar.

"Sir? We're closing now," a bartender woke him up.

"What time is it?" Henry asked, searching for his phone in his pocket. He also looked at the bartender, who had a weird smile.

"You know, Henry, I've realized that time is more than just a measurement. It's a precious resource that shapes our lives and destinies," the bartender said, furrowing Henry's brows hearing his name from the stranger.

"How did you know my name? Who are you?" Henry asked in confusion.

"I've known you for a long time, Henry. And this is the right time for you to know the truth," he piqued Henry's curiosity, making him sit up straight.

Henry watched as the young bartender fiddled with his watch. Then his eyes widened as the young man vanished, and an old man appeared, someone he believed to be dead.

"Richard Wellington?!" Henry stepped back in fear.

"Calm down, Henry. I'm not dead yet, but please don't let my family know about this," the old man explained, taking off his watch.

"All the wealth I left you was the thing I've stolen from your father," he immediately confessed as he only had a minute left.

Tears welled up in Henry's eyes. All the painful memories from his past came rushing back, memories he had tried so hard to forget.

"Please forgive me, Henry. I hope returning this to you can make up for everything I took away from your father," Richard said, taking Henry's hand and placed the watch.

It was an expensive watch which was called the Quantum Reverie and it held a secret that would change the course of his life.

"Just remember that time is not merely a quantity but a quality that defines who we are and what we can accomplish," those were the last words he heard from the person who betrayed him as he disappeared into nothingness, never to be seen again.

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