When Richard Wellington disappeared, Henry was left kneeling on the floor in extreme grief upon learning the truth. He was also in pain knowing he made the biggest mistake by giving up the wealth that his father owned and was falsely accused of stealing it.

Henry only held the precious thing that his father left him before he was killed, "This is the only thing I have for you, Henry. Promise me my son that you never let it slip away from your hand," Henry remembered the night when his father gave him the watch, but he failed to keep the promise

Henry was only seven years old when his family faced danger. His mother was mercilessly killed by armed men in their house while his father took him to an orphanage to keep him safe before dying.

However, a person secretly visited Henry at the orphanage claiming to be a friend of his father. He was Richard Wellington, revealing the news that his father was a bad person and was being pursued by the police for theft and murder.

Henry was deeply hurt and refused to believe the accusations against his father, but Richard manipulated his mind to obtain the watch from him. Richard Wellington succeeded in getting the watch, but he didn't expect it would lead him to his own grave.

Richard wasn't destined for the watch, so he broke its rules and faced his consequences which is death. He also hated Henry who married her daughter Margaret Wellington because he was haunted by his evil doings and was guilty that he was the child he deprived of everything.

"They will pay for everything they did to me," Henry said to himself, consumed by anger as he finally understood the root cause of his suffering.

Henry look at the watch he had once let go, but he didn't want to waste the second chance to fulfill his promise to his father, that he wouldn't let it go again.

'Time Waits For No One' engraved words were displayed on the back of the watch.

Henry realized that time kept moving forward and he needed to make good use of the available time he have because it wouldn't stop or slow down for everyone.

He needed to use it to have opportunities to achieve his goals in life. He needs to value the present moment or else time would run out and couldn't be back once lost.

Without hesitation, Henry wore the watch on his right wrist. Upon wearing it, he noticed that it seems like an ordinary smartwatch, he clicked onto something and he was surprised when a hologram appeared.

"Welcome to the realm of Quantum Reverie, the long lost son, Henry Franklin Constantine," a man formed into three dimensions through interference of light beams introduced himself.

"I'm Nova, the guardian of time, and I'm here to lead you on a journey of unparalleled discovery," Nova introduced himself and explained that his job was to ensure that the delicate balance of time remained undisturbed.

"Wow. You're made from Artificial Intelligence, right?" Henry asked, look amazed.

"Not just an AI, but I'm also a steward of the magical watch Quantum Reverie," Nova replied.

Henry had no idea of its power, so many questions formed in his mind. "Can I know what powers I can acquire from this watch?" he asked seriously.

With a gentle smile and a resolute gaze, Nova began to explain the purpose of the magical watch and the rules that must be followed.

"The Quantum Reverie holds the power to transform you into alternate identities and grants you extraordinary abilities," Henry was amazed upon hearing that.

"However, I want to inform you that Richard Wellington had the watch in his possession for almost fourteen years, causing it to malfunction due to his excessive use of different identities, so you can only choose one person to transform into."

Henry gulped, blaming himself for allowing Richard to use it for such a long time. "Do you mean I can only switch to one identity?" he asked.

"Yes, Henry. And you have the freedom to choose which transformation you want," Nova showed him the faces of the extraordinary people in the world.

"You need to choose wisely because one of these individuals will help you, while others may put you in danger," Nova warned, and Henry doubted the possible challenges he might face if he chose to use the watch.

"Do I have the right to decline to use this if it puts my life at risk?" Henry hesitated and was scared because he have no idea what kind of challenges he will face.

"Of course, the decision is still yours, but if you refuse this, it's like saying that you're a coward and disappointing your father, who wants you to succeed in life," Nova said.

Many things troubled Henry's mind. He thought about the possibilities of not being able to face the challenges, he was always trying to predict the future, making it difficult for him to move forward due to fear of the unknown.

"No, I'm not a coward. I don't want to fail again. I'm willing to die for my mom and dad," Henry wanted to fight against fear and step out of his comfort zone.

"If that's the case, then what are you waiting for? Time is ticking," Nova said, allowing Henry to look at the pictures of people he could choose from. Henry saw many familiar faces as he swiped through, but he got stuck on a picture of a man named George Logan Thompson.

He was a powerful billionaire who was miles away from Henry in terms of status. Henry saw the amazing qualities and abilities he had, so he considered choosing him.

"You need to make sure that your pick is final. Once you press select, there's no turning back, and George Logan Thompson will automatically become your new form when it strikes twelve."

Henry's heart raced before he pressed it. "He might make or break me, but it's a do or die."

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