Three minutes left before twelve midnight, Henry remained standing in front of the mirror inside the bar's comfort room, anticipating his incredible change.

Wanted to witness his transformation with his own two eyes.

Observing his own reflection, he noticed how scruffy he was. His hair was messy, his white polo has patches of dirty marks. Henry admits he's not good of grooming himself.

“What the hell is wrong with me?” he asked his reflection, a question only time could answer.

Henry suddenly wondered things, he couldn't understand why he was always hated by people when did nothing wrong, always ignored like he's invisible, being judged when he's being true to himself.

Henry was used being humiliated by the people who thinks his existence is a mistake and taken advantage of his kindness and innocence.

“Henry, it’s time,” he heard Nova give an update. He checked his watch and saw that the transformation he had been waiting for would happen in sixty seconds.

Henry also followed Nova’s instructions in navigating the watch, and he immediately learned the things it could do.


“Transformation Activated,” Nova was the one who installed the data to process Henry’s perfect and successful body transformation, showing the hologram of well-equipped George Logan Thompson’s body that he was ready to replace.

Henry suddenly felt a surge of electricity run through his body, an electric spark caused by the difference in their body's electrical charges.

Henry the poor son-in-law was very different from George, the extraordinary powerful billionaire, but they shared one commonality: REVENGE.

Their desires have brought them together, proving the adage that opposites can indeed attract.

In a flash, there was no trace of Henry to be found. It was the man who is like a prince, has a perfect body and face, standing in front of the mirror.

“Woah! Am I George Logan now?” Henry touched his face, they had the same mustache but George's was neatly trimmed, also noticed they have the same hair but George’s hair was perfectly combed.

Checking his outfit, George was wearing an expensive blue tuxedo, black shoes was polished without a single scratch. Henry was mesmerized, amazed and was unable to believe that he now had the body of the powerful billionaire, George Logan Thompson.

“Remember the rules, Henry. You can switch anytime you want, but don’t forget to recharge the watch for 7 hours when you’re not transformed. Second, during your transformation, you possess George's strength, intellect, and wealth, but don’t use them for evil. Third, if you remove or destroy the watch, you will lose access to George Thompson, and his memories will return,” Nova reiterated the rules he had to follow, trusting Henry to abide by them.

Henry was glad that he would finally have a strong backing, he wanted to use George’s assets to reclaim his father’s wealth from the Wellingtons. Henry couldn’t do it himself because had no power to fight them, and he didn’t have the evidence to prove that Richard Wellington was the real thief.

“Good luck on your journey, Henry Franklin. Just call me whenever you need my help. I always got your back,” Nova assured.

When Henry decided to walked out of the bar, he saw a fancy black limousine parked outside. Bodyguards dressed in black tuxedos were waiting for him to get inside.

“Young Master, you have an invitation from the Royal family,” said George’s trusted bodyguard named Fred Jones, giving him the invitation card. “You are one of the distinguished guests for Prince Dylan and Princess Sweedney’s royal wedding.”

George face lift up, while Henry who's hiding behind was the one who's genuinely excited about the news. It was a royal wedding of the year, a chance for him to infiltrate the King’s palace.

“Okay, t-that's a great news,” he replied stiffly. He got inside the limousine, also relieved that he could finally go home.

“Do you have any more place to go, Young Master?” Fred asked politely.

“Hmm… I’d like to go home now,” he replied, his mind was racing as he wondered where George’s bodyguards would take him. Henry hadn’t fully absorbed George’s memories yet because he was still slowly adapting to his life situation.

Henry leaned his back and observed the view outside. He was staring at the reflection of George’s face in the window, thinking he's like his alter ego.

On the other hand, a group of cars were following Henry’s convoy, which Fred noticed, “Young Master, we’re being followed.”

A memory of George immediately flashed in Henry’s mind. It showed George Logan Thompson’s life, where he has rivals who tries to take him down, but George fearlessly faced whatever challenges they threw at him.

Gunshots rang outside, hitting their limousine, “Give me the steering wheel!” Henry moved near the front seat, switching positions with Fred so he can drive.

Another memory sinks in, showing George was an excellent racer, able to outmaneuver everyone who's trying to chase him. The billionaire was a strong-minded person and knows how to control his wheels in order to win the race of life.

“F*ck it!” Henry cursed when they were caught between two other vehicles. Fred and other bodyguards exchanged bullets with their enemies.

Henry had an idea, he slowed down and the cars trying to boxed them hitting each other head-on. "Yoohoo!” He watched as the cars caught fire.

After that wild ride, they arrived at George’s private mansion, “We’re here, Young Master,” he heard Fred’s voice, waking him up from the nap he took after tiring himself out from the encounter earlier.

He rubbed his eyes as he gazed at the modernized mansion, “Wow. So cool, this is just like my house in Minecraft,” Henry giggled.

Fred brows furrowed as he led him inside. Upon entering, they were greeted by George’s butler, Mr. Nolan Howard.

"Welcome back, Young Master," Mr. Howard said with a smile, waiting for George's return, and they had no idea who was the wolf hiding in their Young Master's sheep's clothing.

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