Nova informed Henry that when he recharges the watch the real George Logan still exist as if nothing happened but George will still remember the memories made by Henry while in his body.

However, George was under the watch’s system, so he had no reaction to all of his doings. Unless Henry breaks the rule, then George will regain his real memory.

Besides, Henry took advantage of the watch to carry out his plans. First, was to help his wife in handling the company but despite all of this, he's struggling because Margaret was Richard's daughter and it reminds him of his betrayals. Henry just had to keep reminding himself that Richard’s children were not at fault because they were also not aware of what happened.

For now, he entrusted the wealth to Margaret and secretly helps her through George’s power that makes everything impossible, possible.

Henry entered a shoe store wearing a simple black shirt paired with an old black jogger. He was still wearing his shoes that the sole was already detaching.

“Do you have a bigger size of this miss?” Henry asked as he held the brown leather shoes he liked. The saleslady was suspiciously watching him since he entered the store, she judged him on his clothing and think he is a thief.

“Excuse me, you can’t just touch the shoes here. Make sure your hands are clean before you touch them. And make sure you have some money to buy a shoe because I don't wanna waste my time," The saleslady said with annoyance as she snatched the shoes from him.

“I am going to buy it that’s why I am asking if there is a bigger size,” Henry remained calm, he didn’t want to mind the woman’s rudeness.

“As if you have the money! Wait a minute you look familiar? Gosh! You’re Henry Constantine the son of a thief?? Gosh! You might steal the shoes here!” The saleslady shamed him and it was heard by the other people who were taking videos.

Henry wanted to cover his face but it was too late, he was already captured by their camera lenses, “Miss, I am a customer so please have some respect,” Henry said as he ignored the woman’s harsh words.

“No! People like you who are a thief doesn’t deserve any respect. You deserve to be in jail! Guards! There's a thief in here!” The saleslady shooed him away and was called names by other people who recognize him.

Henry just decided to leave but he had something to tell the rude saleslady, “Let me remind you. It’s not good to accuse someone without any evidence, sometimes the one who’s accusing, is the real culprit.”

As Henry left, George Logan entered which made the saleslady shocked that she immediately accommodated him.

“Welcome to our shop, Mr. Thompson. I’d love to assist you today. Our exclusive collection of handmade Italian have arrived, it’s perfect for someone with your exquisite taste.”

“Then show me some of your best options.” The saleslady immediately showed the shop’s designer shoes.

“This all look amazing on someone like you, sir. You’re an epitome of luxury and elegance,” The saleslady was head over heels to the billionaire who has captivating blue eyes.

He checked the quality of the shoes she presented, “Yeah, they do look impressive but I have some reservations about purchasing such expensive shoes. Convince me first why I should buy them?”

“Well, this shoes would instantly elevate your style and recognize your refined taste-“ The woman wasn’t able to finish when an old man interrupted the conversation. The saleslady was irritated and dragged him to the corner to scold.

She then ignored the concern of the other customers just to prioritize the billionaire, “I’m sorry sir. Some people are really annoying. Anyways, back to these stunning collection that are very perfect for someone of your stature-“ George was the one who stopped her.

“I must say I’m not particularly fond of your attitude. You don’t know how to handle a customer, professionalism should always come first and I suggest you focus on your customers and not on your personal motives,” he was disappointment then he approached the old man who was panicking.

“My wallet’s missing. My identification cards and money are there. I can’t find it. Has anyone seen it?” The old man was worried and George wanted to help him.

The saleslady also searched for the wallet and found it under the shoe rack, she was shocked that there was a huge amount of money in it. She didn’t hesitate of putting it inside her pocket and she thought no one would saw it.

“I’m sorry sir, but nobody saw your wallet. You might have dropped it somewhere,” the saleslady said nervously and George intently looked at her, “Or maybe it was stolen by someone else you bumped outside.”

“Why not we check the security cameras, maybe it captured something our eyes failed to catch,” George said and it made the saleslady feel very nervous.

The stealer was immediately caught on camera and it was the saleslady who put something in her pocket and she had no choice but to take it out and was embarrassed in front of the people.

“That’s my wallet. How could you do such a thing?!” The old man angrily grabbed his wallet.

“I’m very sorry sir! I.. I didn’t mean to steal it. I don’t know what came over me.” The saleslady knelt down to beg but it was too late because the manager was already there.

“No excuses can justify stealing. Not only you lost your job but you also lost your integrity,” George didn’t want to miss the chance to give her a lesson she would never forget.

“Let me remind you once again. It’s not good to accuse someone without any evidence, sometimes the one who’s accusing, is the real culprit.”

The saleslady’s froze when she realized she already heard those words from someone.

George left the store with the expensive shoes that he paid for, “Revenge is a dish best serve cold, baby,” he said with a smirk as he switch back to his real identity.

And he's Henry.

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