Henry stood before the police station, his hands raised in surrender. He took a deep breath, steeling himself for what was to come. He knew that his decision to turn himself in for the crimes of Cooper Coleman, even though he was innocent, was the only way to keep his family safe.

As he walked through the doors of the police station, he was immediately surrounded by officers who quickly handcuffed him. The media was there, cameras flashing and microphones thrust in his face. People crowded around, shouting insults and throwing things at him.

"Henry!! How do you plead?? Are you guilty of all the crimes happening in town??" a reporter from a local news station shouted.

Henry remained silent, his jaw clenched tight. He knew that speaking out would only incriminate himself further. But the accusations being hurled at him stung deeply.

"He's a monster! Lock him up 'till he rot in jail!" someone in the crowed screamed.

"He doesn't deserve to breathe the same air as the rest of us!" ano
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