Henry's thoughts turned to his plight, he had always lived a life of a poverty, but he had never imagined ending up in a cold unforgiving walls of the prison.

The accusations against him still stung fresh, and the injustice he felt burned like an open wound. And alongside him was Big Ed, a hardened criminal. They had their reasons for being behind bars, but they were united by their shared misery.

One evening, as the sun began its descent, Henry approached Big Ed, who was sitting alone in the corner of their cell. "Ed," he said, his voice barely a whisper. "can I talk to you?"

Big Ed raised an eyebrow, his eyes narrowed, "What's on your mind, kid?"

Henry hesitated for a moment before sharing his story. He told Ed about how he had been wrongly accused of a crime he didn't commit and how he was now trapped in this living nightmare.

As Henry spoke, Edmund, Big Ed's real name, listened intently. His face remained impassive, but Henry could sense a hint of compassion in his eyes.

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