Henry and Tristan ran through the dense woods, their footsteps echoing loudly in the silence of the night. The authorities were hot on their trail, their shouts and sound of their dogs getting closer with each passing moment.

"We need to split up, Henry. I'll draw them away from you." Tristan panted.

"No, we stick together. We got into this mess together, we'll get out of it together." Henry argued.

Before Tristan could protest, the authorities burst into view, their torches casting an ominous glow on the trees. They darted off in different directions, hoping to confuse their pursuers. But it was no use, the authorities were on them like hounds on a scent.

Henry skidded to a stop, his chest heaving as he realized he was surrounded. He raised his hands in surrender, hoping against hope that he could spare Tristan from the same fate.

But it was not to be.

"We found the other one!" one of the authorities shouted, dragging Tristan out from his hiding spot.

The two friends were beate
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