Henry Constantine felt a sense of relief wash over him as he saw Prosecutor Tristan Morris finally free from the mind-control chip that had been implanted in his brain.

But they are still trapped in this dark room for what seemed like an eternity, at the mercy of of Abigail Harrison.

"Tristan, I have a plan. We can't let her win. We have to escape." Henry whispered.

Tristan nodded, "I'm with you, Henry. So what's the plan?"

Henry explained his idea to Tristan, who seemed impressed by the ingenuity of it. Henry would use the Quantum Reverie watch system that Henry had developed to break through the walls of the room and make their escape.

But just as they were about to put their plan into action, a loud, sinister laugh filled the room.

Abigail Harrison had somehow anticipated their escape attempt and was reveling in their impending failure.

Henry's heart sank as he saw his wife, Margaret on the screen in front of him, drowning in an aquarium. He could do nothing but watch helples
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