As the man stalked forward, his movement was precise and deadly making Henry shiver in cold.

Henry knew this man was no ordinary adversary. The syndicate had dispatched their finest assassin, a merciless operative of the shadow syndicate.

"Surrender the watch, Constantine. You cannot escape us." the Hunter growled.

"Never! This watch belongs to me." Henry refused.

The hunter lunged, his blade glinting a dim light. Henry dodged woth a long chapter lightning speed, a trick he leaned from Nova.

"Nova, analyze his movement," Henry commanded.

"Scan complete. The subject exhibits exceptional agility and combat expertise. Recommend evasive maneuvers and strategic use of your watches abilities." Nova responded.

The hunter pressed his attack relentlessly, he strikes brutally. Henry danced around him, using his watch to slow diwn the assassin's movement and anticipate his next move.

"Watch out for that trap!" Nova warned. Henry leaped over a concealed snare, narrowly avoiding capture.

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