Henry was wiping the beads of sweat from his forehead as he hugged the heavy boxes onto the delivery truck.

It's been a week and Henry realized working as a delivery man was tough and every passing moment felt like it could be the one where the shadow syndicate hunter finally caught him.

He stacked the final box in the back of the truck and he noticed a flash of movement out of the corner of his eye. Henry's heart pounded when he recognized the figure standing in the distance. It was the hunter who had attacked him. Henry made up his mind and wouldn't let him get away.

Without hesitations, Henry secretly followed the man. His footstep silent and careful against the concrete floor of the warehouse. The man led him through the corridors until he finally stepped into a dark storage room.

"You thought you could get away from me, didn't you?" Henry sprang.

The hunter stiffened and slowly turned around and gave him a smirk, "Oh, it's you, Henry. I didn't know you're also working here?"
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