Henry was laying on his bed and the pain of his wound still lingering in his arm. The bullet that was fired had torn through his flesh and left a wound that refused to heal.

"Henry, your wound require additional time to mend. The bullet that struck you appears to be of an unusual composition." Butler Mr. Howard informed with a somber expression.

"How long? I don't have time for this. The shadow syndicate is closing on me." Henry cursed.

"Don't worry, Henry. Your friend, Prosecutor Tristan Morris is currently seeking a solution to your dilemma." he assured him.

Hours turned into days as Henry endured the agonizing pain. While Mr. Howard and Tristan worked tirelessly poring over medical texts and consulting with the finest healers in the city but a cure is remained elusive.

"Tristan, I don't know how much longer I can hold out. The syndicate will be here soon." Henry pleaded.

Tristan frowned and his brow furrowed in frustration, "I'm doing everything I can, Henry. But I fear this
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