**Chapter 18**

Matthew arrived at the high-end restaurant, its sleek, modern design a far cry from the shabby places he used to frequent. The entrance was guarded by discreet but intimidating security, a stark reminder of the new reality he had embraced. His phone buzzed with a message from Lexi, confirming that the setup was complete.

As he walked through the restaurant's polished marble lobby, he couldn't help but reflect on how far he had come. Once a pawn in other people’s games, he now held the power to reshape destinies. Tonight’s gathering was a crucial step in asserting that power.

He was greeted by a flurry of familiar faces, each one a reminder of the circles he had been pushed out of. The restaurant buzzed with the hum of conversations, but Matthew's entrance had shifted the atmosphere. Heads turned, whispers began, and he could see the calculated curiosity in their eyes.

Rachel was already seated at a prime table, her designer dress shimmering under the restaurant’s lights
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