**Chapter 24**

The atmosphere in the Donovan mansion was tense, the opulence of the surroundings now feeling more like a cage than a symbol of success. Matthew paced back and forth in his study, his mind racing through the latest developments. Yvonne had managed to gather intelligence on Rachel's press conference, and the details were not promising. Rachel was preparing to unveil a damning "exclusive" about Matthew, aiming to cast him as a fraud and tarnish his newly reclaimed reputation.

Matthew’s thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. Yvonne entered, her face grim as she carried a stack of documents and a tablet.

“I’ve got the latest updates,” she said, placing the materials on the desk. “Rachel’s press conference is set to go live in an hour. She’s leveraging some old rumors and half-truths to paint you as a con artist who’s only out for personal gain.”

Matthew’s jaw clenched as he scanned through the documents. The accusations were vicious, designed to hit him where it
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