**Chapter 40**

The grand gala at Donovan Enterprises' headquarters was a statement of Matthew Donovan's triumph. The evening was designed to showcase not only the company’s achievements but also to reestablish its dominance in the industry. The opulent venue, adorned with crystal chandeliers and sophisticated décor, was filled with influential figures, key stakeholders, and media personalities, all eager to witness the culmination of Matthew’s journey.

Matthew stood at the entrance of the grand hall, impeccably dressed in a tailored tuxedo. He exuded confidence and poise, a stark contrast to the man who had once been derided and dismissed. His gaze swept over the crowd, taking in the sea of faces that represented the heights he had reached and the networks he had built.

Yvonne approached, her elegant dress flowing as she walked. “Everything is going according to plan. The guests are impressed, and the media coverage is already positive.”

Matthew nodded, his eyes scanning the room. “Go
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