Damian Williams: Rise Of the Son In Law Sudden Wealth
Damian Williams: Rise Of the Son In Law Sudden Wealth
Author: David Kenn

Damian Williams looked down at the small anniversary gift he had gotten for his wife as he waited outside her office. It wasn’t expensive, he couldn't afford things like she did. But, it was a small token of love and he hoped she liked it.

Today was their first anniversary. He had imagined the day differently. He even planned for a celebration, maybe dinner. But instead, he found himself here waiting to meet with Bianca, his wife, in her office.

Madison walked towards him. “Mr. Williams, Miss Callaway is ready to see you now,” she said with a forced smile.

Damian furrowed his brows but he said nothing. Why was her secretary calling her by her maiden name? She had been Mrs. Williams for over a year, not Miss Callaway. Madison knew that.

Even though, he and his wife had become like strangers, they were still married. Bianca was always focusing on her job as the CEO of Callaway Group. It left her with no room for anything else. But, she had called Damian to his office. It excited him. She wanted to see him.

He would not be discouraged. Madison knocked on the door before opening it. “Miss Callaway, Mr. Williams is here.”

She didn’t look up immediately as he entered inside. “Damian, have a seat.” She said, sounding very professional.

He hesitated. Maybe he was overthinking everything. He took a seat in one of the chairs opposite her. He placed the small gift on her desk and hoped that she would acknowledge it but Bianca didn't stop staring at her laptop.

“I thought we would meet at home today,” he began since she didn't say a word.

Bianca finally looked up at him. Damian saw something like grief in her eyes. “We need to talk,” she said.

That was never good. He tried to force himself to smile. “Talk about what?”

Bianca took a deep breath and said. “This isn’t working, Damian.”

Damian frowned, “What do you mean? We’re just going through a tough time. You're busy with work and I understand.”

“No,” she interrupted, him, “this isn't a tough time or anything. I’ve been trying to think about out how to tell you but I have no choice.” She dropped a stack of papers in front of him.

Damian read the words on it, shocked. “ Damian, I want a divorce.” Bianca said.

Damian blinked at his wife. Did she just say ‘divorce’? On their wedding anniversary? It was so shocking that he couldn’t speak.

“You want a divorce?” he managed to say.

Bianca looked away from him but he saw the regret in her eyes. “This is for the best. We’ve grown too far apart to fix anything. I’ve changed, the company has changed, everything has changed. Except you. You're still the exact same way.”

“You can’t be serious. You’re telling me this now? On our anniversary?” He asked her.

Bianca winced at his tone. It didn't hit her that today was their anniversary. She just noticed the gift now. “I didn’t plan it this way. I just thought that it was time.”

“Time?” Damian repeated, suddenly feeling angry. “You’re dropping this on me like it’s just another one of your business decisions, right? It's sound like it’s no big deal to you. But, we’re talking about our marriage, Bianca!”

She sighed. “Damian, I’ve been thinking about this for months. You know how I plan things. This isn’t sudden.” She said to him.

“It sure as hell feels sudden,” Damian snapped, standing to his feet. “What happened to till death do us part? What happened to fighting for what we have?”

Bianca stood up. “What we have isn’t a marriage anymore, Damian. It’s two people going in different directions. You have your life and I have mine.”

“I have my life? Is that what you think? That I've been doing nothing while you’ve been running this company?”

“You know that's not what I meant.”

 “You don’t even know, do you?” He asked, “Do you have any idea what I’ve been doing? All those nights you stayed at work late, those meetings you said I wouldn’t understand, I was there, Bianca. I’ve been contributing to this company, working with investors and making deals that kept Callaway Group standing. Even when you didn’t know it was sinking.”

Bianca’s eyes widened. “What are you talking about?”

“I’ve been working quietly with the board, Bianca. The company was struggling and I stepped in. It wasn't because I wanted the credit but because I wanted to help you. I believed in what you were doing.” Damian said.

Bianca froze. “You never told me.”

“I didn’t think I had to. I thought we were partners. But clearly, I was wrong. I was the only one thinking that.” He said.

Both of them were silent were silent for a while. “Damian, I appreciate what you’ve done but it doesn’t change anything. I’m still asking for a divorce.” She said.

Damian stared at her,. He had fought so hard for her and their marriage. But now, he realized that he was the only one fighting.

“Why today?”

Bianca looked at the gift on her desk.  

Her eyes softened just bit. “Because I don't believe there's a right time to end things and I need to move forward.”

“So that’s it?”

Bianca didn’t answer him immediately. Damian thought that she was about to change her mind. Instead, she shook her head, “This is your chance to walk away with your dignity intact before my family involves themselves. I’ll even offer you financial compensation.”

The look in Damian's eyes was cold and distant. She wanted to throw money in his face after everything. “I don’t want your money, Bianca.”

“Then what do you want?”

He leaned forward. “I just want the necklace,” he said.

“The necklace?”

“The one I gave you on our wedding day,” he clarified. "Your sisters and your relatives think it’s fake. You’ve been wearing it just to humor me, haven’t you?”

Something like hurt flashed in Bianca's face but she took off the necklace. She tossed it onto the desk. "Well, If this is all you want then have it."

Damian picked up the necklace, checking it. "It's a souvenir of a year well spent."

He picked up the pen, ready to sign when a knock interrupted them. Madison opened the door. "Ma’am, there's a CEO from Everest Corporations here to see you. She doesn't have an appointment but she insists that she meets you."

Everest Corporations was a giant compared to Bianca's family’s company. Bianca was rarely caught off guard but this was one of those moments.

“Did she say what she wanted?” Bianca asked, looking surprised.

“No, ma’am.”

Bianca turned back to Damian. "You can finish signing these. I need to take this meeting."

“Of course. Wouldn’t want to keep the big fish waiting for your fake husband, would we?” Damian asked, sarcastically.

Bianca gave him a look before she stood up and straightened her jacket. "This isn't over," she said.

Damian watched her leave and began to wonder, if at one point, this woman cared about him. He’d been convenient, that was all.  He was a name to build her legitimacy. The realization should have hurt but it didn’t. He just felt cold and detached.

He stood up, putting the necklace in his pocket. He wasn’t going to wait around for her to finish whatever power game she was involved in.

He would sign the papers later. He would do it when it suited him and not her.

He walked towards the door, pausing to look back at the office. The gift he brought still sat on the desk wrapped neatly in her favorite color: blue.

He laughed dryly. “Happy anniversary," he said to himself. Then, without another look back, he walked out.

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