Just as Damian was about to leave, he stopped. He looked back at the office. Although he told himself that he would sign the documents on his own terms, there was no need for any delay.

He returned back and signed the papers. Damian left her office without looking back. The signed divorce papers were on Bianca’s desk. That flimsy sheet of paper was a sign that the past one year was wasted on someone who never truly cared about him.

There was no room for regret. He had done that he needed to do to make the marriage work. Now, it was time to move on with his life.

As he stepped into the corridor, he heard Bianca’s secretary talking excitedly about the CEO meeting with her co worker. Damian couldn't help but scoff. The secretary couldn’t care less about the end of their marriage. Even Bianca only cared about the meeting that she couldn't wait to properly end their marriage. 

“Typical,”  he said, putting his hands into his pockets.  

But as much as he wanted to move on, the pain he felt refused to go. He still held onto the necklace in his pocket.

He took the elevator to the ground floor and as he was about to leave the building and put everything that had happened behind him, he heard a familiar voice stop him.

“Damian!” The voice called. He turned in that direction. “Well, well, well, if it isn’t my sister's husband—”

She faked a gasp, “I'm sorry, soon-to-be ex-husband!” She grinned.

Damian stopped. His jaw tightened as she walked closer to him. It was Regina. Of course. Bianca’s younger sister always had a way of making herself available when it was least convenient. For some reason, she had disliked him from the beginning.

He turned away from her slightly and bit back a groan. Instead, he sighed at her. “Really, Regina? Let's not do this, at least not today.” 

Regina has never been the type to take a hint. She strutted toward him, swinging her hips. Her heels clicked against the tiles dramatically. There was a perfect smirk on her face. She wasn't a supermodel for nothing.

“I heard the good news. You’re finally out of my sister’s life for good. It has taken you long enough, don't you think?” She cocked her head at him, looking amused.

Damian glanced at her with indifference. “You’ve heard already? Wow, Bianca sure keeps you all informed.” He said a bit sarcastically.

Regina crossed her arms over chest. “Oh, she doesn’t need to tell me anything. It was obvious from the start that this was a dead end deal. I was just waiting for it officially end so I could say that I’m so proud of her. I have to admit, getting rid of you is the best decision she’s made all year.”  

He narrowed his eyes at her. “It’s good to know you’re keeping score and looking after your sister.” He replied dryly. He just wanted to leave.

Regina glanced around as if she didn't want anyone to overhear but she spoke in a fake whisper still. “Come on, Damian. You and I both know you did anything this past year except for hiding in her shadow. You have been nothing but dead weight dragging her backwards in her career. And now you can walk away with a nice little payout, right?”  

Damian sneered at her. Regina’s words were just noise but they had a way of hitting next to home close. He took a step to the side, trying to walk past her to the exit. But, she blocked his path.  

“Where are you running off to in such a rush? We're not done here. What's wrong? No more fancy dinners or luxury cars? You're going to miss all that, aren’t you?”  

Damian’s patience was already fading away. “Move, Regina. I’m not in the mood for your silly games.”  

“Oh, but we need to settle something first.” She grinned. “You’re no longer family which means you need to hand over the money Bianca gave you. Did you think I would just let you walk away with it? Just like that?” 

Damian looked around and noticed that they had gotten a bit of attention. Some of the employees began to murmur, judging and assuming things. He folded his hands into fists.

“I didn’t take a single penny from Bianca. You can ask her. I don't need to explain myself to you. I don’t need her money.” Damian said.  

Regina raised an eyebrow. “Oh? Is that so? It's hard to believe that someone like you didn’t ride on Bianca’s tail this entire time.”  

He scoffed. “Believe what you want, Regina. I don’t give a damn.”  

Just as Damian made another move to walk away, Regina’s smile changed. Without warning, she took off her coat and threw herself into his arms.  

It was so sudden that Damian barely had time to react. Her body pressed against his and her hands clutched his shirt as she leaned into him.  

“What the hell—” Damian began to say but Regina shrieked loudly.

“Oh my god! Damian! What are you doing?” She cried out.

The employees turned to stare. The scene was perfect. Regina was playing her role flawlessly. She had a fake shocked look on her face as she held unto him.

Damian’s blood boiled but he kept his cool. He didn’t need to yell. He wasn't going to play this childish game with her.

“Let go,” he said.  

Regina didn’t move. She held him even tightly. “I can’t believe you’d try to do this! Right here, in front of all these people? You animal! You really are as pathetic as they come!” she made sure she was loud enough for everyone to hear.

The smile on the corner of her lips told him everything. She wanted to make him look desperate. She wanted people to think he was a fool begging for scraps after being thrown out.  

Damian’s eyes darkened as he stared at her. “Get off me, Regina.” His voice was as cold as ice.

He removed her hands from him and took a step back, causing her to stumble slightly. The crowd watching gasped. Regina had a sly grin on for just a split second, but she quickly switched to her shocked look. 

“You’re insane. I can’t believe Bianca ever married you.”  The crowd could hear her clearly.

Damian straightened his jacket, wiping off imaginary dust. “Yeah, well, I can’t believe I stayed this long either,” he said.

Turning to the group of employees watching, Damian said, “I didn't do anything to her. I took nothing from her.” They didn't seem to believe him because they exchanged glances.  

Damian took a step toward Regina. “Nice performance but next time, find someone else to play your games with. I’m done.”  

“We'll see about that,” Regina whispered before she screamed, “Help!”

Damian flinched at her volume. A security man hurried towards her, glancing at Damian. He recognized the both of them as their boss’ family.. “Ma'am, is anything wrong?” he asked.

Regina faked a helpless look. “Yes. This man is harassing me.” She said. “My sister divorced him and he's blaming me for it.”

His eyes widened. Regina smirked at him and pointed a manicured finger at him. “Throw this man out.”

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